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"Camila what are you doing?"

Lauren didn't even kiss her back. Lauren and her fucking beautiful eyes were staring at her while Camila gave everything she had in the kiss.

"I-I..." Camila sighed and took a step back while her hand went through her long brown locks.

"You are married Camila, I can't do this..." Lauren sighed and took a step closer towards Camila and grabbed her hand.

"Camila, I only know you.. for what? Two days? But I can tell I like you. It's just.. You are still married."

Camila's eyes focused on her high heels and she nodded softly, "I'm sorry Lauren, I shouldn't have done that."

Camila knew that if this story would come to Dinah, she would be proud of her. But Camila didn't want to break Ariana's heart. Although she for sure broke hers. Camila was a person that wants to be faithfull and for Gods sake, she was married for eight years. And now, she does this stupid action with a woman that she only knows for two days?! Camila couldn't believe what she did now that she thought about it. She didn't know how to tell Ariana, her mom or even Dinah.

"Camila?" Lauren said in her raspy but oh so calmly voice. God, Camila wanted to kiss her again.. and again and again.

"Hmm?" Camila hummed as she looked up into planet green eyes.

Lauren gave her a soft smile and kissed her hot cheek, "Sleep tight, I'll see you tomorrow morning?"

Camila nodded, "Bye Lauren." And as Lauren opened the door of her cabine and Camila turned her back towards the door, she touched her cheek and softly started to cry. Not cause of rejection by Lauren, no. Just because Camila's perfect life was crumbling underneath her own feet. Where was her mind when she decidee to take the car and drive to fucking Miami? Did she thought her problems were over when she ran away from it? Camila sighed deeply as soon as she arrived by her parents front door. She quickly wiped of the tears and looked at her wrist watch. 2 am. Her parents weren't supposed to be anymore, still Camila heard the soft sound of a spanish voice outside the house. She turned the lock with the key that was already in and opened the door with a deep sigh.

"Karla?" Her mother's high voice rang in her ears. She cringed as she remembered Lauren's deep and calm voice.

"What is going on?" Her mother said as soon as Camila walked in the livingroom.

"Ma, nothing Lauren and I just came home from the bar."

Her mother raised her eyebrow and shook her head, "Don't mess with her Mija. I know you are not like that but Ariana is in Tampa and it seems really easy to just-" Camila quickly interupted her mother.

"Look ma, I kissed her. She didn't kiss back and explained to me why and I agree with her that's it."

Her mother quickly stood up from her couch and walked to Camila with a frown playing on her forehead.

"Mija..." she softly said as she leaned in to hug her.

"Leave me alone, I'm going to bed."

And with those last words, Camila went to sleep. Alone.

Sinu saw every interaction between Lauren and Camila. From the moment she saw through the window that her daughter kissed Lauren to this exact moment. Ariana was visiting Camila after two weeks. Talking about awkward.

Lauren casually greeted Ariana and than went back to work. She didn't even give her a glimpse. And the interaction between Lauren and Camila wasn't really goig any better. Lauren casually greeted Camila and Camila usually gave her a small and guilty smile. Sinu wondered if Camila already told Ariana about the incident with Lauren.

While Lauren, Alejandro, Sinu and Dan were working outside, Camila and Ariana finally could have some one to one talk.

First, Ariana denied everything Camila said her about the texts from Taylor. But after some strong evidence (made by Dinah) Ariana finally gave in and confessed everything, claiming that Taylor and her only texted and nothing more. Camila didn't believe it but for her family's sake, forgave Ariana for her actions. But not before telling Ariana she also had been unfaithfull once. But that was something Ariana wasn't so pleased with.

While Camila was asking herself why Ariana was so mad about one kiss and that she herself wasn't allowed by Ariana to be mad about her affair, Lauren came in the livingroom.

"Is it that whore?!" Ariana yelled as she nodded towards the beautiful green eyed woman. Camila quickly turned around to see Lauren standing there. Camila gasped.

"What is going on here?" Lauren's voice was skightly raised but yet calm and deep.

"Are you that bitch Cami cheated with on me?" Ariana narrowed her eyes and slightly pushed Lauren back.

"That is none of your bussines but from what I understood you are the cheater here." Lauren grinned and stepped closer to Ariana and now there faces were almost touching.

"Fuck you bitch." Ariana whispered in Lauren's face and pushed her.

"Ariana leave Lauren alone!" Camila cried and tried to hold Ariana back.

"You fucking bitch, you are gone for two weeks and you're here playing the single woman?" Ariana spat and forced herself out of Camila hold.

"I don't want you anymore Camila. We are over. You can stay here with your dumb family. I will send your stuff to Miami. And don't worry, I gladly will agree on the divorce papers." Ariana yelled and closed the front door with a bang.

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