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Camila and Lauren were sitting next to eachother by the table. Camila's mother was sipping her coffee with a small smirk playing on her lips while Dan was rambling enthusiastic to Lauren.

"Ma, me and Lauren are going to work on a go-kart today!" 

Camila raised her left eyebrow, "Lauren and I honey." Camila smiled at her son, "Well have fun."


Camila was leaning against the windowframe of the piazza that was looking out to the garden. Camila smiled as she was looking at Lauren and her son, Dan working on the go-kart. She sipped on her green tea and sighed deeply.

"Lauren's good with Dan." Her mothers voice was heard at her side and Camila flinched, quickly fixating her gaze to her mother.

"God mom, I almost had a heartattack! Can you not sneak up to me like that?" Camila said, her hand pressed on her chest.

Sinu laughed and placed her hand on Camila's shoulder. Sinu looked to Lauren and Dan again, who were now scraping the old go-kart so the it was looking as new. Sinu smiled, "Mija know that I'll always support you, no matter what."

Camila frowned her eyebrows and looked at her mother, "what do you mean ma?"

Sinu chuckled and shook her head, "Karla, I know you and Lauren..." Sinu laughed, "...You know... were together."

Camila sighed and let her head fall down, "Yes indeed."

"What's wrong Mija?" Sinu asked concerned and Camila shook her head, "She asked to go a little slow.. but we aren't really taking it slow ma. I just want her with me. I want to be with her Ma."

Sinu smiled lovely and gave her daughter a hug and leaned out before speaking, "Mija, I bet you that Lauren will give you a sign when it's going too fast. And I am positive she feels the same about you Camila."

"I know ma. But don't you think I'm moving on too fast from Ariana?"

"This is all your choice Camila and if you feel ready for something new than that's okay."

Camila smiled and hugged her mother, "I love you ma." She whispered and Sinu smiled.

"I love you too." Sinu leaned out and holded her daughter, "Now go tell your girlfriend that diners ready." Sinu winked and Camila groaned as she walked outside to call Lauren and Dan.


"Mom, mom, mom!" Dan yelled and ran towards Camila.

"Hi Dan! How is work?" Camila asked as she layed her eye on the go-kart and the beautiful lady who was now finishing of the scrape work.

"Good, me and- Lauren and I already scraped the paint of it so we can re-paint it!"

Camila smiled, "Wow Dan, that's my old go-kart, you knew that?"

"Oh... is it okay if I re-paint it ma... I'm not really a fan of a pink go-kart."

Camila laughed, "Of course that's okay baby. Now what color are you going to paint it?"

"Matte black! Lauren went to the shop to get the paint!"

Camila looked at Lauren, who also had her eyes on the brown haired woman. She winked and put down the machine and walked over to the mother and kid.

"Hi Camz." Lauren winked again.

"Hey Lauren, I heard you and Dan are cleaning up my old go-kart?"

"Your son got good taste Camila. He chose matte black as the new color. That's better than the old pink, don't you think?" Lauren said with a smirk.

Camila giggled and rolled her eyes, "Right, mom told me to come and get you to dinner." Lauren nodded as she saw Dan already running inside, "I'm gonna tell grandpa about what we did!"

Lauren chuckled and looked around to see if the coast was clear. "I missed you camz." Lauren whispered and stroked Camila's tanned cheek.

"Hmm Lauren, I missed you too. Do you think that we can meet up tonight? Like, a date at the bar?"

Lauren frowned her eyebrows, "Why is there something wrong?"

Camila smiled lovely and kissed Lauren's soft cheek. "Of course not baby. I just want to talk about us."

Lauren smiled and closed her eyes as Camila kissed her cheek and travelled towards her neck.

Lauren hummed, "And about us taking it slow?"

Camila giggled and stopped kissing Lauren's neck and let her head snuggle into Lauren's neck. Lauren hugged her and kissed her head, "I like you very much Camz and you're right. Us talking will make us stronger as a couple."

"A couple?" Camila quickly leaned out and raised an eyebrow. Lauren looked at her feet, her cheeks blushing.

"I'm sorry, that just slipped out. I didn't really mean us as a coup-" Camila interupted Lauren by kissing her softly.

"A couple sounds good Lo." Camila winked. "It sounds really good."

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