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Camila cried. She cried every tear out of her until she had no more tears to cry.

Both her and her mother were cuddled up on Camila's old bed that creaks with every move you make. Her mother was stroking Camila's hair and shhhing her. (an:sorry don't know what the exact word is 😂)

"I don't know what to do mami." Camila whispered in sniffed, "I don't know what to do without Ariana."

Camila mother clicked her tongue, "Oh honey, I understand that it's hard for you. You guys were together for 10 years. But Camila, there's so much more than Ariana and if she cheated on you than she's not worth the cries."

"But I'm not only crying for that ma. Its-it's also because Dan... I always wanted him to have a family, a close and loving family. And I couldn't give him that."

"Camila honey, you tried and did everything you could for him to have a lovely family. God Camila, you give him everything he could wish for. But I have the feeling you and Ariana weren't on the same page." Camila's mother sighed and stroked her daughter's arm. "Look mija, she was more of a carriere woman. While you, also having a carriere, you still put Dan and family on the first place."

Camila sighed and snuggled closer to her mother, "Thanks mom." She whispered and closed her eyes, "Maybe it has a positive side. But still the last I wanted was a divorce and I know I made a mistake by kissing Lauren. But... It was my heart that spoke at that moment. Not my mind that was telling me to reminding me that I was married with Ariana."

Sinu hummed, "Sleep a little mija. Tomorrow is a new day. A new start." She whispered and with that Camila fell asleep in the arms of her mother.

"Goodmorning Camz" Lauren greeted as soon as she noticed Camila in the kitchen. She poured a mug of coffee for Camila and placed it in front of her. "How was your night?" Lauren asked carefully, hoping she wasn't taking a step too close to Camila.

"Hard. I cried a lot." Lauren could tell that. Camila's usual sparkling eyes with joy and love were dull and red. She looked tired and Lauren didn't like this Camila. Lauren was mad at Ariana. Making such a woman like Camila mad and sad.

"I'm sorry Camila..."

Camila shook her head and sipped of her coffee, "it's okay Lauren. It's not your fault." Camila sighed and looked up at Lauren, "I just want to say thank you for defending me and being there for me." Camila gave Lauren a small smile, "You are a good friend."

Oh my fucking god.

A friend?!

Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao.

A fucking friend. We all know that is a big lie you are telling. Lauren is more than a friend to you, you like her. You adore her. She's everything you wished for Ariana to be so far. And than you call her a fucking friend. Dumb shit!

"I'm doing my best." Lauren said with a forced smile.

"Camila, I'm going for a ride. You want to come?"

Camila eyed Lauren suspicious with a raised eyebrow, "Ride with what?"

Lauren laughed, the most beautiful sound Camila has ever heard. "Ride a horse. So if you want to...?" Lauren leaved the answer unspoken and started to walk out of the kitchen.

"Okay I'll come."


"Camila wait for me!" Lauren yelled as she slapped her feet against her horse so he would go faster.

"C'mon Thunder." Lauren said and patted him with her hand. She quickly got to an already slowed down Camila.

"I didn't know you were this good?" Lauren asked as they were now on a walking pace next to eachother.

"I was born and raised here Ms Jauregui, what did you expect?" Camila winked at Lauren and fasted the pace again. Lauren chuckled and followed Camila closely.


Camila and Lauren walked in the kitchen laughing after their long ride.

Mrs Cabello raised an eyebrow to the two girls and greeted them, "hello girls, where have you two been?"

Camila rolled her eyes, "Ma you don't need to know everything."

Lauren shook her head behind Camila, "We went on a ride with the horses Sinu. I hope you don't mind?"

"Oh no dear! I'm glad you and Camila are friends. And I'm glad you are trying to cheer her up, she's going through a rough time."

"Ma..." Camila sighed.

"I know Sinu. That's why I took her with me. A little fresh air didn't kill nobody."

"That's true dear." Camila's mother said and placed a pot on the table. "Lauren dear, can you call Daniel and Alejandro please? They must be somewhere outside."

"Of course Mrs Cabello." Lauren nodded and walked outside.

"What was that about?" Camila said with a stern voice.

"What? Nothing? I'm just stating the facts."

Camila sighed and groaned, "Look mom, Lauren and I are friends. Nothing more, nothing less. I like her and I don't want to fuck this up by being more than friends."

Sinu hummed and smiled, "Okay mija, whatever you say..." she sang and grabbed something out the fridge.

"No no no no, mom it's really just friends nothing more. And God don't try to match us."

"I'm not honey, just don't be afraid of what you want to do."

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