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Dinah Jane and Sinu Cabello looked in awe through the peak of the door of Camila's bedroom.

"Camren is alive mama C!" Dinah whispered excitely and squealed, jumping up and down.

"Shhh! Dinah Jane! You are waking them!" Sinu whispered and closed the bedroom door quietly.

"I'm sorry mama C, I'm just so excited and happy for Mila. She was so miserable during her marriage with Ariana. I'm happy she found someone who makes her happy." Dinah said while they walked downstairs.

Sinu poured some coffee in a cup and gave it to her daughter's best friend.

"I'm happy too Dinah. She deserves it so much!" She said sipping on her own coffee.

"Aah ladies!" Alejandro walked in the kitchen and gave his wife a kiss on the mouth. He looked to Dinah and than back to his wife and lifted up an eyebrow, "Do I need to know something?"

Dinah shrugged and sipped on her coffee while Sinu smiled at Alejandro and kissed him on the cheek, "No Ale, everything is fine. Just catching up with our daughters best friend."

Alejandro hummed while eyeing Dinah suspicious, "Speaking of our daughter, where is our little mija?"

"She's still asleep I think." Sinu answered while pouring some coffee out for Alejandro, giving him the cup that read, 'The best dad in the world'.

"I think she had a long night, Mr. Cabello." Dinah said while Sinu gave her the dead glare. And at that moment Camila walked in the kitchen with a big smile decorating her face.

"Hello Mija!" Alejandro checked his watch and raised his eyebrows for a second, "Good afternoon!" He said with a chuckle and kissed Camila forehead.

"Hmm hello papi." Camila whispered, still a smile on her lips.

Dinah eyed Sinu and gave her a wink.
"Well, I'm going back to work. Maybe I'll find Lauren somewhere, I haven't seen her yet. That's not what I'm used of her, she's always strict." Alejandro finished his coffee and walked away.

Camila sipped on a cup of coffee that she just poured out, leaning against the old counter, her eyes avoiding Sinu's and Dinah's stare.

"So Mija... how did you sleep?" Sinu asked with a smirk on her face while washing the cups of Dinah and Alejandro.

Camila hummed, "I slept alright."

"I bet you haven't slept well Walz."

Camila lowered her cup and lifted up an eyebrow. "What do you mean Dinah?"

Dinah wore a smirk on her lips and shrugged, "I don't know, maybe that you had some company?"

"Company from who? Camila asked while she put her cup down on the counter, still leaning against the counter.

"Oh Mrs. Cabello! I'm sorry I'm late!"
Dinah smirked and nodded her head towards the raven haired girl whom just ran in the kitchen, still wearing the same clothes as yesterday.

Sinu looked up, seeing a flustered Lauren, her hair was styled like she just had sex and Sinu was doubting that they were just lying next to each other. "It's okay Lauren, Alejandro is in the barn. He was looking for you."

"Thanks Mrs. Cabello. I'll see you later!" Lauren said before grabbing an apple from the fruist basket that was next to Camila on the counter.

Dinah noticed the eyecontact both of the women made and smirked.
"Bye Camila, I'll see you tonight?"

"Of course Lauren, bye." Lauren winked at Camila, trying to go unnoticed by Dinah and Sinu but that didn't work. As soon as they heard the backdoor close. Dinah and Sinu stood beside Camila.

"Now tell me Walz, what really happened?"

Camila shrugged her shoulders. "Nothing, Lauren and I just fell asleep in my bed. Nothing happened."

"You don't have to lie to Dinah just because I'm in the room Mija, but just so you know I am not leaving this kitchen before I know answers."

"WOOOHOOOO GO MRS CABELLO!" Dinah yelled and hold up her hand ready to high five Sinu, whom gladly agreed the invitation. "The SS Camren ship will take off soon Mrs. Cabello I'm 100% sure!"

"The SS what?"

"Oops" Dinah and Sinu said in harmony.

"I'm sorry Mija, it's just so obvious that you and Lauren are..."

"Are...?" Camila asked with a lifted eyebrow.

"Soulmates! Now that's out, tell us everything about last night!" Dinah continued and Camila sighed.

"Lauren and I just fell asleep on my bed, I'm telling the truth. I invited her in my room and I was kinda already asleep when she arrived so she lyed next to me, so we slept together. God she's beautiful."

"OH MY GOD CAMREN." Dinah said and quickly covered her mouth, "Okay I'm sorry! Now what is your next move Walz? Kiss her?" Dinah asked impatient.

Camila blushed and looked at her mother, "We kinda already did Dinah. I think the next step is going to be a date." Cause all you guys interuption won't take us anywhere. Camila thought.

"I'm happy for you mija. You know maybe it is kinda fast. But I'm just happy you guys get along. Ariana was not for you Mija. She was only working."

Camila hugged her mother and sighed, "I know Ma, thank you. I love you."

"I hope you love me too Walz, cuz I'm gon be in this hug too." Dinah said and yelled, "group hug!" Before holding us all together.

Hi I know updates are slow and short. But I just graduated and I'm busy trying to find work and all and I have don't have lots of ideas where to take my story. So it's going to be really slow updates. If any of you have ideas tjey are always welcome in the comments. Thanks for reading. 😊

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