Goddammit 2.0

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So me being my dumbass I was scrolling through all my old stuff on my old Wattpad bc wHy NoT and I was reading the conversations tab and I stumbled across an old friend who I stopped talking to and I then dug into her profile. I reread everything, logged into my old Wattpad, reread all our texts, and goddammit I made myself cry.

I miss Tina so fucking bad. I had to stop talking to her because her parents texted from her Wattpad telling me to cut off all contact and jesus god I remember that day and it was the worst because I had already had a bad day but that topped the fucking cake right there. Now may I remind you that was February. It's been almost nine fucking months. It's killing me because I remember she was on the comment stream I started when I met Elle and Fabienne and like five other people, her and Kiara and I made our own little comment stream on Camp Alpha amd Omega and Tina opened me up to so many things and I miss that. We always talked about meeting each other and videocalling and we never got to do it and jesus fuck I'm bawling. I just wish I actually got to say goodbye to Tina. It sucks ass. I've lost so many friends on here due to my own stupidity and everyday I wish I could turn back time and change shit and not lose them but Tina hits me the hardest. I think it's because everyone else, I got to say a proper goodbye to, but never Tina. And I don't know what she could be doing right now. She could be sleeping, at school, traveling the world, hell she could be dead. (Praying not though) She probably forgot about me too which sucks the most. And call this childish, but I have a little stuffed puppy that I named after her when we departed contact. Mostly cause I got it for Christmas and we were laughing because it's a massage dog and the massage thingy in it is shaped like a vibrator, it was an inside joke of ours. Whatever I did to fuck things up with Tina I wish I didn't. I know what I did to lose everyone else, but I'm begging life to tell me but I'll never know because I won't ever see her again and it's driving me fucking insane.

Okay this is a whole big ass rant I'm sorry I got depressed bye now love you

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