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I tripped as they pushed me up the steps, cutting my knee open on the concrete. I yelped, pressing my hand against my bleeding cut, but they kept pushing me forward, until I had no choice but to climb the stairs the best I could. I was a human. I didn't need another disadvantage in these games, and I'd just given myself a limp.

Every step I took filled my soul with more terror, the storms beating the waves of panic against my chest until I was sure the dam would break. I felt lightheaded and sick to my stomach, and the cement blob I'd eaten that morning churned nervously. My hands were shaking horribly, and I stumbled as I walked, my knees barely able to support my weight.

I hesitated at the top of the stairs, staring out into the blinding flood lights of the arena. I didn't belong out there. I belonged on the stands, cheering with the rest of my kind. I'd almost forgotten the thoughts I'd had the night before. I wasn't like these freaks. I was human. I had to get out of here.

They shoved me out and I squinted in the bright light, shielding my eyes with my hand. I felt completely exposed out here, like I'd been caught naked. Nothing was hidden. They could see everything.

"There has to be some sort of mistake," I said, frantically turning back to the soldiers. Instead of getting an answer, one of them shoved a long sword in my hands. Of all the weapons they could have given me, they had to give me a sword? What good would this pointy piece of metal do against something that could very well kill me with a single thought?

Tonight's stage was the maze - giant, metal walls with iron spikes at the top and bloody hand prints at the bottom from past contestants. It blocked my view of the other side of the arena, where the other fighter, the Unnatural was pushed out. The announcer addressed the crowd, introducing Laszlo, and I tried desperately to remember what his power was. I didn't remember ever seeing him fight. That most likely meant that he was new, that they were going easy on me, even though easy seemed like it was aimed at my opponent - that it'd be easy to kill me.

They called my alias, Rogue, as if I'd been there for years, and the crowd went silent. I looked up at the screens they floated around the perimeter and saw my own wide-eyed, pale face staring back at me. The silence lasted for another minute, and then one person screamed out the worst insult I had ever heard, the crowd immediately followed their lead, shouting and jeering, mocking me. I saw my face flush red on the screen and ducked my head, adjusting my clammy grip on the sword they'd given me.

"I'm one of you," I whispered, but no one could hear me. I could barely hear myself.

The gates slammed shut behind me and the announcer began the round, threatening to bring out the monsters if we took too long to kill each other. Even so, I stayed frozen by the gate for a long minute, staring into the dark maze, its gaping jaws ready to swallow me whole. If I went in there, I knew I'd never come out.

Something electric jabbed the small of my back, making me shriek and stumble forward, and the crowd laughed at me. I glanced back as the soldier pulled his spear back into the safety of the gate, and swallowed nervously. I had no choice. I had to move forward. I glanced up at the screen and watched Laszlo run through the maze, though I couldn't tell if he was coming toward me or trying to hide himself deeper inside. His frantic but determined expression told me that it was most likely the first - which meant I had to do the second.

Without thinking, I took off into the maze, the sword waving awkwardly behind me as I ran. I let my pure, overwhelming terror guide me deeper inside, around twists and turns until I was utterly lost. I rounded a corner too sharp and tripped over myself, barely avoiding impaling myself with the sword. I laid on the ground for a moment, trying to catch my breath, and noticed terrified tears stinging my face and burning in my eyes. I didn't want to die. Each breath set fire to my lungs, and I could taste blood in my mouth. I'd already wasted all my energy. I was a complete idiot.

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