Random Mini-Story (Set me free) [Part One]

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Skylar Rivers didn't think she was fairytale material. She had the hair, sure, long and blonde and curly. She had the eyes, maybe, big and electric blue. She had the voice, yes, soft and lilting. 

But the one thing Skylar craved more than anything, was the body. In her eyes, she was ugly, though others were inclined to disagree with her. 

Skylar had never felt loved. She had two robots who paid her school fees, claimed to be her parents, worked non-stop and lived in the same house as her, and no friends. She thought she didn't have friends because she was ugly, while in reality, most girls were afraid to come up and talk to her because of the shut off, unpleasant vibes her presence created.

Skylar Rivers had a crush on a boy. She never spoke to him because she thought she was too ugly to be worthy of his attention. This boy was, according to Skylar, the epitome of perfection. He was tall and lanky, but still retained his boyish, chubby cheeks, and he had a certain charm which Skylar found irresistible. He had soft brown eyes and perpetually tousled sandy brown hair, and a dimple on his left cheek. But the thing that was the most alluring to Skylar, was his smile. His eyes would crinkle up at the corners and his nose would scrunch up and turn down ever so slightly, but most of all, it was always a genuine smile. This boy's name was Walter Xaviers.


Walter sighed softly. It seemed like she never smiled. He'd been watching her pick at her lunch sullenly for ten minutes, and she hadn't eaten a thing. This behavior wasn't out of the ordinary, and that was what worried him. Every day, he'd watch her find a seat at an empty table, with a few green things on her plate, occasionally accompanied by a water bottle. She'd then proceed to move the contents around her plate with a fork. Eventually, she'd give up and toss everything into the trash.

Her lunchtime behavior wasn't the only thing that was constant. She always wore baggy, dull sweatshirts and nondescript jeans. Her hair was always in a tight ponytail, but she hid her face behind overgrown bangs. She wore no makeup and no color.  Her arms were almost always hugging her body, as though she was afraid that someone would attack her. 

But the thing that alarmed Walter the most was the fact that she was getting skinnier and bonier every day, and no one else seemed to notice.


Skylar played with the lettuce on her plate, looking around at all the happy people in the room. Sometimes she wondered why they never included her in their jokes and laughter, but then she remembered that to be included and accepted, she had to be pretty, not ugly and disproportionate. Even the girls who were considered overweight didn't look like their thighs were the wrong size when compared to the rest of their body. She glanced down at her legs and felt the sudden urge to vomit. She quickly stood up, tossed the wilted lettuce into the trash can and returned to her water bottle. Then she continued staring blankly at her thighs, which seemed to be double their actual size now that she was sitting down. A voice from across the table forced her to tear her gaze away from her legs and look up. 


"Hi," Walter said softly. He'd always been too shy to approach her, but he was determined to find out why Skylar always looked so upset.

She looked up at him blankly, her eyes widening when she realized who he was. Funny, he hadn't known she knew he existed.

"Hello," she greeted him, a hint of a smile playing at her lips. Something about her voice made his head fog up. After what seemed like hours, but in reality was only a few seconds, he stuttered, "I-Hi-I'm-I'm Walter."

He cursed himself internally. He'd stopped stuttering in the sixth grade, but it came back occasionally, especially if he was nervous.

"I know," she said, smiling widely at him. Then, in an instant, her breathtaking smile was replaced by a frown. She shook her head gently and then looked back at him, all traces of joy gone from her stunning eyes.

But he had seen it. Maybe only for a moment, but he had seen her happy. And he decided that making her stay happy would be his personal project. He would set Skylar Rivers free.

 End of part one. Part two will be up ASAP. Please let me know if you like it so far.

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