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A flurry of thoughts;

spiralling down



I've hit rock bottom

 and I'm trapped.

Spiralling out


     control faster,



Words don't mean anything when nobody is listening.



I may lack form and poise and elegance--anything beautiful really, 

but my feelings are as raw on my skin as the rash that sprung up

under my eyes because I didn't know how to hold all of this in.

When I push you                            away,

please, don't hate me for it;

I am only trying to keep you from the maelstrom 

that I am still trying to escape.

Run away from me.

This vortex is made of blood, tears, and darkness

and it has the power to annihilate joy.

Anhedonia never felt so relatable.

I am the way I am for a reason that is still relevant

and until I convince myself that it is not

my soul will not glow bright enough to illuminate

my eyes, my laugh, my life.

Shattered. When I broke, I was quieter than the smallest vial.

Now, I fear the pieces are too miniscule to be found.

They have been swept away by the wind,

and I am incomplete,

for eternity this time, it seems.

A/N: This is very crappy, sorry about that if you're reading. I just felt the need to write something. Comment if you want. Anything to fix this pile of garbage. ♥

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