Lewis POV:
"You ready?" I asked Shannon who was pulling her backpack onto her back.
"Sure. Little nervous about the flight" she replied.
"Same. It will be okay. France here we come!"
"Yay" in unison we both screeched with excitement.
"Let's go then" I said as I pulled on my black, geeky, glasses.
"I never knew you wore glasses" Shan spoke in a high-pitch voice which emphasised her shock.
"Yeah!" I exclaimed with laughter, "i just hardly wear them unless I have a headache"
"Awh" we hugged before leaving the hotel and travelled to the airport via taxi.
For a place so big, the airport was very cramped and a feeling of claustrophobia washed over us.
While i sat in one of those horrible, uncomfortable, blue chairs waiting, my flight boredom set in. I contemplated flicking through the pages already twice read in the paper that i had purchased from the small shop that sold wall to wall crossword books; Shannon was fast asleep curled up into me - I didn't want to disturb her. My attention was caught by the small child just across from us trying to kick the seat in front of him; I hoped he wouldn't be on our flight - the wait in departure was bad enough without having him sat behind me. Taking a deep breath, i looked around once more, my eye passing the luminous signs with their nicotine coloured writing and a wide screen TV that was on silent but had News 24/7 on with subtitles.
'Mother and father of Shannon Lester are ushered into hope after their only daughter has been spotted with her companion, Lewis Flint, last Thursday afternoon in Camden, London'
"Shannon wake up" I shook her violently.
"What?" She yawned, adjusting her stinging eyes.
"Look at the TV" I pointed her into the correct direction.
"That's me" she half-shouted, not realising the situation.
'If anyone has seen the pair, we urge you to contact the police through this number displayed at the bottom. Unlikely to be dangerous, but are severally worrying their beloved parents'
"Shit!" We spoke under our breathes. I felt physically sick with panic.
Suddenly, I got extremely dizzy and I there was a sharp feel of derealisation - pretty much a constant feeling out being out of body. My eyes went a blur. Visional snow. My surroundings appeared as I was looking through a fuzzy tv screen. I couldn't think, I need to escape. Shaking, sweating and twitching. I needed to move. If I stayed still I thought I was going to die. Heart racing, I had severe chest pain like I was having a heart attack. There was a sense of impending sense of doom. Why was it so hot suddenly? Is someone sucking the air out of here? Why is it so difficult to breathe?
time was passing really slowly. Faintly, i could hear Shannon speaking to me. Something about deep breathes. Doing as instructed, my breathing slowed. Calming down, I was brought back into reality.
"Can you hear me?" Shannon spoke with watery tears and her voice shaking.
"Y-yeah... What happened?"
"I think you had a panic attack?" A single tear rolled down her face. "You scared the shit out of me". Pulling me into a hug, my memory alerted me about the situation.
"What are we going to do?" I asked, looking around to see several eyes on us. Probably due to my mini panic attack.
"Maybe we should leave here?" Shannon whispered.
"Which way? On the plane or not?"
"Plane. Everyone watching that knows who we are and knows we are in London. Nobody in France does. We will be safe"
"Smart thinking" I kissed her. "But for now..." I said as I pulled my jacket hood up and pushed my glasses up my nose. Shannon fixed a beanie after tying her hair up.
Shannon POV:
"We made it" I breathed as I grabbed Lewis's hand squeezing it slightly. We had just boarded the plane and we were anxiously waiting to set off. My mind was racing but I need to be strong for Lewis - especially after his panic attack!
"Once we set off, I think I will have a sleep. I'm knackered!" Lewis yawned.
"Okay" I was only a short flight so we won't suffer any jet lag or anything. I wonder who will be sat next to us. The seats were in threes and as there was only two of us, we will be with a stranger. I will be sat next to them as I let Lewis have the window seat to sleep against. Pulling out my phone, I started to check play a game after setting it into airplane mode.
"Well well well, look who it is" we heard a familiar, deep voice say. Raising my head up slowly to the source of the voice, I met his anger-filled eyes.
Please don't hate me for bringing Robert back. I ran out of ideas and I wanted to finish the fic before my exams start on Monday :'(
There WILL be a sequel to this and I have already got several ideas for it but I'm not going to start it immediately as I have two others on the go.
If you have made it this far, thank you so much for reading. Like I have said before, it honestly means so much! :)
When I started it, I never anticipated that I would have got this much reception and it was only going to be a story for a friend. I'm so happy that this many people have read and enjoyed it.
I feel like I'm doing a little speech so I'm going to end it here! XD
Thank You so much again!
Stay Strong,
Chloe x
The sequel - Kids In Love - is now available to read :3
Disposable Teenagers
Teen FictionAfter joining a new school, Shannon finds a boy who fascinates her and quickly friends him. This is the story on how one friendship can turn into something much bigger...