8: "It's Heartbreaking"

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TW: mention of death, self harm, 

I woke up in an array of distress, lunging forward and gasping for air, flying out of Jughead's protective hold. He woke up instantly as I panted and felt tears fall from my face. "Betty, what happened? What's wrong?" Jughead asked rapidly, trying to bring me to his chest in comfort. "I was dying," I stated blankly with no expression, like I was dead inside. "What? Was it a nightmare?" He asked. 

"No," I said, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion. "It's my future," I added. Jughead looked at me with a look of straight up heartbreak, which was fitting, because dying? It's heartbreaking. "Betty, I swear, I will protect you at all costs," Jughead said while holding me to his chest and stroking my hair and rubbing my back in support. "You can't..." I paused, feeling tears come down before I said my next dialogue. "You can't save me from myself."

Jughead intook a breath and held it for a while, letting it go and saying, "Betts, I'll do my best. I can promise that." I looked up into his eyes and smiled at him. "I love you, Juggie," I said. Jughead pulled me closer, if even possible, and said, "I love you more." I felt all different inside, normal, even. "Tell you what, you need to get out of the house and go somewhere that isn't Evergreen's Forest. How about we meet up with Archie and Veronica at Pop's?" he suggested.

I nodded my head slowly, seeing as I had a crick in my neck that bothered the hell out of me. Jughead got up and asked me if I was going to shower. The new cuts would absolutely give me excruciating pain, and I was not up for that. I shook my head and Jughead stretched out his arms. "Do you want to stop by the trailer to get some clothes?" I asked. "I think I'll just wear this again," Jughead decided before going downstairs, leaving me alone to get changed.

I decided on a plain gray sweater and some basic jeans. After getting dressed, I brushed my teeth and hair, fulfilling my "iconic" ponytail and put on some makeup. I was never really a makeup person, but I was never really a beautiful one either, so I compromised. Getting ready, I looked in the mirror, then down at my cuts. I thought of Jughead and that twisted nightmare I had. I couldn't leave him. "Not today," I murmured to myself.


We had gotten ready and were now walking hand in hand to Pop's. I looked at Jughead with an unintentional look of worry. "Betts, you ok?" Jughead asked. I nodded my head and added, "It's just...I haven't seen them in a while. What if they see my wrist?" "They won't. And if they do, I'll say we were racing and you fell and scraped your arm," Jughead replied in support. Pretty soon we had reached our destination and headed in the doors.

Inside we saw the booth we always sat in, and no one in it. I grew a look of disappointment, wanting to see my best friend. "Maybe they're just fashionably late?" Jughead suggested. I nodded my head in agreement. Knowing Veronica, that's the most liable cause. We sat down and informed Jughead I would be paying, mainly because then I wouldn't have to worry about wasting money.

We waited about 10 minutes before I texted Veronica. Another 10 minutes goes by, no reply. She doesn't walk in the door. "Juggie, it's been 20 minutes. They're not coming," I faced reality sadly. "You don't know that," Jughead replied, probably in an attempt to cheer me up. Despite my internal disapproval, I had already drank down three milkshakes since we walked in.

"Juggie, they're not coming," I said again. "Maybe their phones aren't working?" Jughead suggested. "Why are you so hung up on that?" I asked, probably sounding unintentioally rude. "I'm sorry," I said after calming down. "Do you just want to go home?" Jughead asked. I put my head on the table and sighed. "No," I said. "I'm bored of that place," I added. Jughead chuckled to himself and I came up with an idea. "Can we go back to the trailer?" I suggested, looking up. 

"Sure. If you want to," Jughead responded before taking a sip of his chocolate milkshake. I nodded my head and felt tired once more. "Okay, honey," Jughead responded with a smile. I, without my head leaving my arm on the table, pulled out my wallet and paid for our meal, along with leaving a $20 tip. Jughead and I slid out of our booth and he slung his arm over my shoulder as we walked out.  

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