27: "Agony"

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TW: violence, attempted sexual assault, weapons, blood

"Now where were we?" asked Archie as he walked over. What terrified me the most wasn't the sound of his voice or the look in his eyes. It wasn't what he was going to do to me. It was that Jughead was still on the ground. And I don't think he was moving. Archie knelt down next to and started to lift my shirt. "No," I said straight-forward. Archie saw the light hickeys on my stomach and smiled before looking over his shoulder at Jughead.

"I bet you imagined it was me," he said egotistically. "I know you love it when I touched you," he mumbled. "No. I didn't want it then, and I don't want it now," I said matter-of-factly while trying to regain my strength. And I did. I managed to lift myself onto my elbows, but it wasn't to be, as Archie punched me across the face hard, leaving me immense agony. "Aw, leaving so soon? You're not going anywhere," he taunted. 

"I told you I'd be rough this time. But something tells me you like it that way," he said. "Archie, get off of me, now," I commanded sternly, not making eye contact. "No, I don't feel like it," he replied. "Move and I will fucking beat you dead," threatened Archie. "So be good girl for Daddy and stay still," he demanded. I was fucking disgusted. He is not my daddy and he was not going to do this to me...not again. 

He finally pulled my sweater all the way up and started eyeing my breasts, which of course were covered my my bra, but the thought still made me sick. "Huh, they're bigger!" he said. "I bet Jughead really enjoyed these. You know, maybe I shouldn't have knocked him out. I think he would wanna see this," he chuckled like this was all some game. He is sick. Archie Andrews is a sick bastard. 

I looked him straight in the eyes and said, "If you don't get the fuck off of me right now, I swear to God I'm going to scream, and surely somebody will call the police." "You sure about that, princess?" He asked tauntingly before shoving some kind of fabric in my mouth and pinning down my wrists so I couldn't move. I tried to scream, but it was muted. I tried to spit it out, but it was too heavy.      

And from the corner of my eye, I could see my beloved stand up and turn to where we were. Archie's head was now buried in my chest, so he couldn't see anything. I could clearly see that Jughead had a bloody nose, but he was pulling something out of his back pocket as he saw the fear in my eyes. It wasn't until after he stepped closer with the item in his hand that I saw what it was: a pocket knife.

Forcefully, Jughead grabbed Archie's hair and yanked his head up from me and threateningly held the blade against his throat. "Get the fuck away from her," Jughead warned, the volume of his voice low. Archie complied, taking his hands off my wrists and putting them up in surrender, getting up from the ground. When he faced Jughead, my boyfriend gave a brutal punch to the redhead's face as he collapsed to the ground.

He then proceeded to kick, punch, and beat my former best friend as I re-adjusted my sweater and stood up, seeing Archie unconscious and bleeding, rightfully so. I walked to Jughead and turned hi face towards me as he delivered his final kick to Archie's stomach. I wiped the drying blood from his face as I saw tears of his own. "Betty, I am so sorry. This is my fault, I should've listened to you. I definitely shouldn't have locked you in my bedroom," he rambled.

"I don't expect you to ever forgive me," he said sadly. I held his face softly in my hands and looked deep into his eyes. Deep, deep down inside me I was being told I should've been pissed. I knew I should've slapped him and yelled at him for almost getting me raped again. But I wasn't and I couldn't be. I never told him about the threat; that was on me. I looked t him endearingly and cracked the slightest smile before I said, "But I do."     

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