15: "Stop Saving Me"

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Currently obsessed with the song ^^^ (Song Creds: "Limbo" by Billie Eilish). Anyway, enjoy!

TW: mention of suicide, blood, self harm

I woke up. Why did I always have to wake up? I woke up to bandages being applied to my wrists. It was Jughead who was wrapping the bandages onto my arm. It was Jughead who saved me. Why? Stop saving me. "Jughead?" I asked. Jug looked at me and his face was dripping with tears. "Y-You-You're al-alive?" Jughead stuttered in shock and in sadness. "I-I don't know," I replied, looking around.

I was laying on my bed, on top of about five towels because I was still in my wet clothes. "Why?" Jughead asked, tears still falling from his eyes. I noticed a paper in his hands. It was the note. It was my suicide note. Tears filled my eyes and my throat felt heavy. "You read the note, I had to, Jug. It was the only way," I said. "You thought I was really going to leave you?" Jughead asked as his grip on the note lessened and lessened.

"I heard you talking with Toni," I explained, just like in the note. "Betty, I was never going to leave, I just wanted her to believe it. I couldn't leave you if my life depended on it," Jughead explained as his hands held mine, his thumbs rubbing the back of my hand gently. "I'm sorry," I started, aiming my head higher. "That I never let you explain. That I ran. That I..." my voice trailed off. "That I'm so messed up," I finished, gently nodding my head.

"Betty, if you're messed up, it's the most beautiful mess I've ever seen," Jughead said, his hand making its way up to my shoulder. "How?" I started to say. "How can you think those things about me?" I asked, tears falling free. "That you're beautiful? Betty, because you are. You're the most beautiful person I've ever seen. Your smile brightens my day, your eyes stare right through my soul. You are the best person I'd ever encountered," Jughead said.

"I'm a demolition, Jug. I can't be fixed," I said. "Fixed? All I ever want is for you to be happy and alive and well. With me. I don't want you to be fixed. There's not a damn thing about you I would change. I just--" Jughead cut himself off and stood up, his hand tracing back to my wrapped wrist. "I want to take your pain and put it on me, so you don't have to feel it anymore. I want to stitch up every cut and make them disappear. I want to throw out all your heartache," he said.

"I want you to live," he said, holding my hand. He wanted me to live. I spent so long believing no one cared about me. That I was a waste of air. That I was a mess. Somehow, this beautiful creature, this angel, loved me. He wanted me to live. And that's what I needed. "I...I want to live too," I cried, tears falling in everyway possible. I sobbed as Jughead came onto my bed and hugged me. "I want to live,"  I had said...but did I mean it?

Yes. For him. I wanted to live for Juggie. Still wrapped in his embrace, I cried onto his shoulders. "It's okay, it's okay," Jughead comforted, rubbing my back. "I'm here, I'm here now," he added, stroking my hair. "God, I love you," I whispered. "I love you more," Jughead replied as we faced each other. His lips latched onto mine and I didn't pull away. Why would I? I was finally loved. "I'm cold," I whispered when our lips parted. "Then let me warm you," Juggie offered.

Jug wrapped a blanket around us. "Better?" Jughead asked, turning his head and looking at me. "Much," I replied, laying my head on his shoulder. "Juggie, I'm tired," I said before yawning. Jughead gently laid me down and tucking me in. "Can you stay?" I requested and Jughead gave a slight chuckle and smiled before saying, "Of course, Juliet." He got underneath the covers with me and wrapped his arms  around me. I don't know why I wanted him to stop saving me

 And she lives! Tell me what you guys thought of this chapter in the comments. Vote, also. The following is going to be a pretty fun chapter, lots of happiness. Hope you guys enjoyed, yeet! Bye! (PS I think we all know by now that in the next episode (2x08) Betty and Jughead are finna fuck!!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!!)

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