35: "A Happy Ending To A Sad Story"

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Song Credit: "Get Free" by Lana Del Rey

My life as portrayed throughout this narrative has seemed sad. It has seemed as though I wouldn't have made it through. If I asked 16 year old me, she'd asked how the hell I survived. I'd kneel down to her and dry her tears. I'd tell her that it does indeed get better and that good things are in store. For example, I'd reach the accomplishment of finishing college with a Master's Degree in Fine Literature.

Jughead encouraged me to go on through the challenges and obstacles and to not give up. It's impossible to imagine my life without him. So where are we now? Married and in a house of our own where it's always the perfect amount of sunny. I used to love the rain because I thought it would drown my pain, but I found that the sun lets inner beauty shine through. Rain represents my past while sunshine represents the future I didn't know I'd ever have. 

Along with successfully completing college, I've also found healthier alternatives to handling stress and anxiety. I'd come to find that exercise is actually very effective for relieving stress, and it preoccupies the mind so that it calms anxiety. I was usually fond of swimming during summer and running or jogging during the colder seasons. It was currently the first day of July as I was out for my first swim of the summer.

I used my arms over the ledge to keep me up as I looked around the beautiful and spacious home we've created. "Mommy! Mommy!" Rang the playful voice of my 4-year-old daughter, Juliet, as she ran out of the back door, approaching close to the edge of the pool with Jughead smiling behind her at the door. "Hi, baby!" I cooed, seeing both her and my husband. "She said she wanted to go swimming so she could be 'just like Mommy,'" chuckled Jughead with a smile. 

I smiled brightly and looked at her, my beautiful little girl. "You did?" I asked happily in a light voice, causing Juliet to giggle and nod in response. "Here, come here," I encouraged the young girl before reaching my arms out and going farther from the edge, giving her room to jump. She stepped back a little before running and jumping into the pool, laughing and cheering happily, along with splashing me with water as I caught her. I saw Jughead smiling as he observed us.  

"Come join us," I suggested, looking over at Jughead. Juliet turned her head to look at him as well before saying, "Daddy! Come swim with us!" "I don't have my suit," he replied, still smiling.  "You'll live," I replied using my hand to beckon him over, holding Juliet with my other arm. Jughead walked over to the pool, taking his phone out of his back pocket and removing his shoes and shirt before jumping in, splashing us both with a massive amount of water.

Jughead came over to take Juliet as he tried to help her swim. I watched the two most important people in my life with a smile on my face. "Mommy, I'm doing it!" Juliet exclaimed happily. I applauded her slightly and chuckled, saying, "Good job, honey!" She giggled before trying to go underwater, which was interrupted by Jughead grabbing her and keeping her above it. "Why don't we save that for another day, huh?" Jughead suggested, which Juliet agreed with.

As Jughead came closer to me, I looked at up him, his hand around my waist as we supervised our daughter. "She's a miracle, really," said Jughead as he chuckled. "She is. Half you, half me. Who would've thought?" I replied. By the looks of her, anyone could tell she was our daughter; her medium brown hair being a full mix of Jughead's jet black and my golden blonde, her green eyes being the same hue as both of ours. 

"Look how far we've come," I said as Jughead placed a kiss on the top of my head. Juliet had made her way back over closer to us. I savored her innocence and purity. Her joy and constant happiness. "Remember when she was born? She didn't even cry then," I recalled, smiling at the memory. "Either that or her cries sound identical to little adorable giggles," Jughead joked in response.

"I love you two so much," I sighed. "I love you the most; my two beautiful girls," he replied. Juliet's joyous giggles and laughs rang through my ears. The thought of anything ever happening to her terrified me, so that's why I scooped her up in my arms and held her tight, protecting her. This was my family. This was my entire life. Right here, this was what kept me going. And alas it has approached: a happy ending to a sad story.               

And that's a wrap! I really hope you guys enjoyed this ending, I thought it would be great to write, so I did. It has been an honor and a privilege to write Fading In The Rain, believe me. I really mean it when I say how important this story is to me. Well, until next time; and remember, the end is never truly the end. Bye, guys. 

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