28: "It Wasn't Real"

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Okay, I know that the song above looks all happy because of the thumbnail, but fair warning---it is not. It is a really, truly and amazing song and I highly recommend playing it while you read. Enjoy!


It was all a dream. I would wake up tomorrow and everything would go back tomorrow. Because there was no way that could've been real. I refused to believe it could've been real. I wanted to believe that. I needed to believe it. "I'll be apologizing for it for the rest of my life, but I really am sorry. I should've listened to you. I had no idea about the threat; if I would've known he would've come back for you, I would've--" I cut him off before he could finish.

"It's not your fault," I assured him as we walked side by side. I turned my head slightly and saw Archie standing nearby, looking me in the eyes with a death glare. "Jug!" I screamed, quickly grabbing onto his arm in fear and hiding my face in the crook of his neck. "What? What is it?" Jughead asked worriedly, holding me close with his other arm and looking around while I held on for dear life and cried for fear. "I saw him," I whispered. "I saw Archie."

"He's not out here," Jughead reported, looking back down at me and rubbing my back comfortingly. "Are you sure?" I asked. "He must've taken off of or something," Jughead answered. I slowly pulled my head off of him and looked him in the eyes. "I'm sorry I screamed. I just--" "Hey, hey. I get it. You were scared, I understand. It's the PTSD," Jughead sympathized, putting his hand on my shoulder and drying my tears with a gentle swipe of his thumb.

I couldn't deny it anymore. I couldn't say it didn't happen or it was a dream. It happened and I would have to live with that for the rest of my life. We turned back to the direction of the trailer and started walking again, my shoes shuffling with the snow that wasn't over by Archie's house. "Betts, you know, maybe you should go to the police station, fill out a statement," Jughead suggested. My eyes widened and I violently shook my head to the thought of doing that.

 I turned my head to him as we stopped walking and I stepped in front of him. "I can't do that. I ju-just, I-I-I, I can't go through with that. I don't wanna do that. Please, please, d-don't make me do that. I--" My trembling words were hushed by Juggie's lips on mine. Everlasting; we were in no rush for a quick peck. And in those moments, nothing bad had ever happened at all. In those  moments, it wasn't real.  

Slowly departing our lips to catch our breaths, Jughead caught my eye and whispered, "You don't have to." I sighed of relief. "Thank you," I breathed. Jughead's arms swung around me as he embraced t only seemed fitting to stay like this forever. "You want me," I heard a whisper. I looked up at Jughead and asked if he said anything, to which he responded saying no. "You want me!" I heard again...in Archie's voice.    

I whipped my head around and looked for the familiar redhead, but he was no where to be found. "Betts, are you okay? What happened?" asked Jughead worriedly. He looked around and held me tighter but he couldn't hear what I did. I could definitely feel him going into protective mode, but it couldn't help or fix anything. So we just stood there together as the cold rain that I've missed came crashing down. "Nothing. It's just the PTSD." I said, numb   

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