10: "I Am Not Perfect"

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Feeling myself drift off, I was about to call for Jughead and see if he could stay here, but then I realized A: I don't want him getting sick, B: I don't want to bore him and be selfish, and C. I'm surrounded by his scent, which was enough for me. It was a little hard to sleep at first, because no matter how many blankets I had, I was still freezing; shivering and all. My stomach felt mushy and my throat was burning everytime I spoke or swallowed anything.

I eventually found myself on the verge of sleep, and then from the limited sight I had, saw Jughead walk into the hallway and stop in the doorway. He smiled and leaned against the door frame, watching me for a bit before his phone starting ringing. With him under the impression I was sleeping, he hurried to answer it before I "woke up". "Veronica?" Jughead asked into the phone. "Why didn't you guys show up?" He asked.

I couldn't hear what Veronica was saying on the other line, all I could hear were Jughead's responses, which, in order, were, "Oh, is everything okay?","No, I understand,","Not necessarily, she's been coughing and throwing up,", "I will. How's Archie?", "Huh, so the usual?", and "Alright, bye." I saw Jughead put his phone back into his pocket and come into the room, sitting carefully on the edge of the bed and leaning close to my to kiss my forehead.

I was still surprised with the timing of my sickness. Just as I though I could actually get away with fake sleeping, I sneezed, giving away my cover. Jughead chuckled and I was blushing underneath all the covers and blankets I had pulled over my face, stopping at my eyebrows. I would lift some up when I was looking at Jughead, but he wouldn't notice. Jughead quietly asked if I was awake and instead of staying silent, I did the dumbest thing.

I responded saying, "No," which very clearly meant "Yes" if I could talk. Jughead laughed a bit and relied sarcastically with, "Oh, okay, sorry. I'll let you get back to your fake sleeping." I smiled at his comment and replied with "Thank you", jokingly. Jughead laughed and pulled the covers and blankets off of me. I wasn't really cold anymore and my throat either didn't burn as much or I got used to it.

"Well, now that you're for sure awake, Veronica wanted me to give you a hug for her and tell you she hopes you feel better soon. She feels really bad about not being able to go to Pop's, but she was called into an emergency meeting with Lodge Industries. Ever since she became an official legal officer of the company, she's been really busy with it," Jughead said. So that's what they were talking about. "And Archie?" I mentioned.

"He was helping the Pussycats put together a new Riverdale High Fight Song that Cheryl was going to choreograph for the Vixens," Jughead said. The one time I actually wanted to not be alone, everyone was busy. Figures. "How are you feeling, baby?" Jughead asked, stroking my blanket-covered leg. "Better," I replied. Jughead smiled and said, "I'm sure you do, that's good. Even though you're sick you still are so beautiful and perfect."

Perfect? I hate that word. I am not perfect. I just smiled and replied with a "Thank you", knowing full well I looked terrible and Jughead was only trying to be sweet. I shouldn't be getting mad. At least Juggie cared enough to try and spare my feelings. So caught up in my mixed feelings, I didn't realize the bubbling feeling in my stomach. That is until about 5 seconds before I puked. I ran into the bathroom and Jughead followed behind me.

I had taken my ponytail out and Jughead held my hair back as he rubbed my back, trying to comfort me in my time of need. I thankfully made it into the bathroom in time, making cleanup as easy as flushing the toilet and wiping my mouth. My throat burned, causing tears to involuntarily fall from my eyes. "Hey, hey. It's okay, baby, it'll get better," Jughead assured me softly as I finished up and cleaned up. How does he care enough to sit here with me? Lucky me.  

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