Chapter 19

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The other grinned sheepishly at me while he scratched his neck.


I didn't know what to do. I was torn between slapping the slightly older or hugging him.

The later option was more tempting. I ran to to the other side of the counter and engulfed Bambam into a tight hug. He immediately wrapped his arms around my upper body, pulling me closer.

It felt extremely nice.

"You stupid idiot", I mumbled quietly and I could feel him laugh against my chest.

"I know"

He stepped back a little but still held my waist, his eyes never leaving mine and I took a moment to admire his features. He was even more beautiful than on the pictures he had sent me, if that was even possible.

"Is there something on my face?", he asked.

"Why didn't you tell me you look like a tomato now?" I really knew how to ruin the mood but I couldn't help it.

Bambam blinked a few times before he ran a hand through his red hair.

"I'm a beautiful tomato, the kind of tomato a person would save for special occasions"

"When would you need a tomato for a special occasion?"

"I don't know, maybe for a special salad? Or face mask?"

"Don't you use cucumbers for that? Like put them on your eyes and stuff?"

"As I said, a special tomato. Maybe some people want to try something new and be all adventurous and exotic?"

I couldn't hold my laughter back anymore. After a second Bambam joined in too. Although the jokes weren't even funny it just felt so good knowing that Bambam was here. With me. All my anger towards him forgotten as I heard his laugh.

"I'm really happy to see you", I mumbled shyly all of a sudden after we both calmed down again. I prayed he wouldn't see the blush on my face.

"Everyone is happy to see me", he shrugged his shoulder like it was no big deal but I could see the small grin gracing his face.

"But why are you here though?", I hoped I didn't sound rude, I was just curious. And how did he know where I worked at?

"I wanted to ask you something", now it was Bambam's turn to duck his head in embarrassment.

"And that is?"

He looked at me through his eyelashes.

"W-Would you like to go on a date with me? Tonight?"


My heart began to beat faster after I heard those words leave his mouth. I didn't know how long I was silent but it was long enough to make Bambam nervous.

Did I want to?

Of course I did.

"I'd love to!", I said maybe a bit too excited and out of nowhere but Bambam didn't seem to care. He seemed relieved, like he thought I'd say no.

"Thank god or else this would have been so embarrassing", he mumbled more to himself than to me.

I looked at the clock on the wall. I still had about forty minutes left of my shift which meant I couldn't just go right now. Bambam seemed to realize what I was looking at.

"I'll help you till your shift ends"


"How hard can it be to make a simple coffee?"

I had to chuckle at his choice of words. The 'simple' was really amusing coming from 'mister extra'.

"Well, you never know when someone wants a grande, iced, sugar-free, vanilla latte with soy milk", I was still a bit irritated at his order but Bambam just laughed.

"It doesn't even taste good like, I expected something heavenly after I googled the most fanciest coffee orders but sadly all I got was a cup of eww and sadness"

"You- You seriously googled that?"

A proud nod from the other.

"I'm somehow disappointed but not surprised", I told him.

We were so occupied with talking and teasing each other that we didn't hear a small group of people enter the coffee shop.

"Uh-um", came a cough from an angry looking male, "Could I maybe order?"

I apologized for making him wait and quickly got back to the coffee machine. Bambam took his order and told me what the man wanted. It went like that for the next forty minutes. Somehow Bambam even managed to get a healthy amount of tips from younger girls and I would lie if I wasn't a teeny tiny bit jealous. Not because of the money but because of the looks they gave Bambam.

I didn't like it although I knew I had no right to.

What I didn't see was that Bambam put all the money he got from the girls into my own tip jar.

Finally it was time to close the shop. I cleaned everything up with the help of Bambam and then we got ready to go.

"Are you still up for our date?", he asked, a shining smile on his face which made me grin too.

"Of course, where are we going to though?"

"It's a surprise"

"You were the only surprise I needed today"




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