Chapter 21

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"Bambam, are you still awake?", I whispered into the dark.

It was around 2am and we both decided to sleep in between the mess of pillows and blankets after we had played a few more games. Of course I won every single one. Or maybe Bambam just let me win because it was my birthday.
I didn't care.

"No, I'm sleeping", he mumbled back but turned around to face me though. I couldn't really see anything and I supposed he couldn't either but I smiled nonetheless.

"I can't sleep"

"Sucks to be you", he remarked, how could he be sassy even when he was half asleep?

"Never mind", I grumbled and turned my back towards him.

A sigh left the other's lips and I heard something shuffle around the floor. A hand on my arm made me jump in surprise but I relaxed immediately since it could only be Bambam.

His hand tightened it's grip and pulled me closer to him.

"What are you doing?", I asked confused.

"Shhh", was all he said.

He lifted me slightly so that my head was now lying on his chest. He wrapped his arms around my body and held me tight.

"Maybe cuddling helps you fall asleep"

I was glad he couldn't see the blush forming on my cheeks as I hid my face in his shirt, smiling widely. I laid one arm around his upper body and squeezed him quickly.

"Thank you", I said with as much honesty as I could at this time of the night.

"Anytime", he replied and pressed a soft kiss on my hair.

His even breathing made me fall asleep not much later. It was the best sleep I had in a while and I hoped it was the same for Bambam.

The next morning the bright rays of sunlight that came through the windows were what woke me up. Groggily I rubbed my eyes and tried to sit up but something held me down. Bambam was still hugging me tightly, slightly snoring with his mouth open. I shifted my weight carefully so I wouldn't wake him up. I was now lying on my stomach so I would have a better view of the boy next to me. The sun made his red hair even brighter than it already was. I don't know how long I had been admiring him but suddenly he began to move and his eyes fluttered open. As he saw that the sun was already up he groaned and hid his face in my hair, pulling me even closer. I wondered if he didn't see that I was awake or if he just didn't care.

I wasn't complaining though.

„Five more minutes", he said, his voice barely above a whisper. So he did know I was awake.

I wasn't one to deny his wish and snuggled against him once again. Five minutes turned into fifteen which turned into an hour.

Eventually we both realized that we should probably stand up to clean the mess from the night before.

I was the first that rose from the floor and pulled Bambam up by his hand. His pyjama shirt revealing some of his collarbones and I didn't find the willpower in me to look away.

„You can let go now", Bambam chuckled and I immediately loosened the grip on his hand.

„Sorry", I turned around to find my clothes from yesterday. Bambam ruffles my hair before he went to search for his own. After we both were dressed I helped Bambam pack everything together. Somehow we managed that the uno cards were scattered on the floor.

„I'll play some music, okay?", Bambam asked and I nodded approvingly.

He went over to the stereo and plugged his phone in, putting it on shuffle.

He returned just as Beautiful by Wanna One started playing.

We continued with our tasks and when the refrain came I couldn't help but sneak up behind Bambam and put my arms around him. He stiffened for a second before I softly sang into his ear, „So beautiful, beautiful"

He wriggled himself out of my grasp and I was afraid that I stepped over a line. But as he turned around I saw the bright blush on his face and grinned.

„Awww, you're so cute", I squealed.

Bambam shoved me mockingly, „I'm not cute"

„Keep telling yourself that"

He sighed before an evil smile graced his features.

„You are", he grabbed my hand, „gorgeous, kind, an idiot, handsome and funny"

His words made me blush now but I did hear what he had said about me being an idiot.

„You do have to ruin the moment, dumbo"

Bambam chuckled and together we finished cleaning up.

„So I guess that was it", I muttered disappointedly. I didn't want the day to end just yet but I also knew that Bambam couldn't spent much longer with me since he had told me yesterday that he had work this afternoon.

„I could just call in sick", Bambam proposed. He obviously didn't want to leave either.

I shook my head, „Don't. We'll just have to meet again, I guess"

The red haired boy smiled brightly at me.

„I guess"


Hope you all have a great day~

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