♡Safe Haven♡ ●Oswald Cobblepot●

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"Great job tonight, darling." Fish smiled as you put on your coat.
"Thank you, I still can't believe you hired me. I was turned down so many times before I found you."
Fish gives you a sad smile. "Well, some people just don't know greatness when they see it."
You look down at your feet with sadness.
You knew the real reason no one wanted you to sing in their club.
Your face, it was horribly scarred in a fire when you were 10 years old.
You ran in to rescue your mother, your step dad in a drunken rampage lit your house a flame with your poor mother inside.
Unfortunately, you were unable to save her.
However, no one knew this story, you wouldn't tell anyone the real reason behind the deep burn on your cheek. You didn't want anyone to see you as weak.
Fish puts a hand on your cheek, noticing your deep thought.
She gazes at you, her eyes full of sympathy. You were like the daughter she never had, she was a bit rough around the edges but you liked her. No one could replace your mother, but it's nice to have a motherly figure in your life to care about you.
"I'm sorry, I just.. uh"
Mooney puts her hand up. "Go home and get some rest. I'll have my umberella boy escort you home, Gotham isn't a place for a girl like you to be wondering alone at night."
You nod with a smile.
"Oswald!" She calls.
From backstage a wobbly gentlemen hobbles over to where you and Fish are standing.
Fish puts a hand on his shoulder. "Oswald, take her home for me would you? It's raining, please keep her safe."
He looks at you and smiles. "I'd be happy too Miss Mooney."
You blush a little. You didn't know what it was about Oswald. He had something about him that made you feel all warm inside. Sometimes Fish was really mean to him, and it made you sad, because you see so much potential in him. You know he can be so much more than just her umberella boy.
Oswald opens his umberella and puts his hand out, politely. "After you, Miss."
You walk in front of him. He holds the umbrella over you, keeping you dry with each step you take.
"You can call me, (Y/N)" You tell him.
"Oh?" He seems surprised.
You chuckle a little at his disposition. "What is it?"
He shakes his head. "Most of Mooney's entertainers don't even want me to speak to them, let alone call them by their first name."
I roll my eyes. "Between you and I, I don't really care for the others. They're so rude. You can tell they don't really like their job. They just do it for the money."
Oswald studies your face as you speak, it's then that you realize he's actually listening to you, actually caring about the words you say. You weren't used to this, but you admired it. "There's something different about you."
You nod sadly, assuming this is an insult.
Oswald notices your expression and puts a hand on your shoulder. "No, I mean that in a good way." He assures you.
You smile. "Thank you, but I'm not sure what you mean."
Oswald blushes a little. "When you sing, you give it your all. You have such natural talent. You put your heart in it and it shows. You perform differently than the others. Your songs have meaning. You don't rely on the lights and over the top makeup. You're just you, and it's one of the most beautiful things ever."
Your jaw dropped, and you can feel yourself smiling like an idiot.
Oswald slaps his forehead. "Forgive me, I shouldn't have said that. I apologize if I've made you uncomfortable."
You shake your head. "No it's fine. Thank you."
He nods with a smile and you two approach the bus stop.
"I think I'll be okay from here. I appreciate you walking me home."
Oswald leans against the bus sign, still keeping you dry with his umbrella.
"If you don't mind, I'd like to escort you all the way home."
"Really? I don't mind, it's just a little ways away and it's so late.."
He cuts you off. "Fish would kill me if I let you ride the bus alone, there are some sketchy individuals roaming around at night. It'll ease both our minds. Please?" He asks your permission.
"Of course." You two get on the bus and have a seat.
You two sit in silence for a minute or two before you decide to break it.
"How did you end up with Fish?"
I ask.
He looks down. "I uhh.. didn't really have another place to go."
His eyes are filled with sadness.
"Are you okay?" You ask with a comforting hand on his shoulder, he looks surprised by your affection but welcomes it.
"I just want to be something more. I want to be mayor one day, I know that sounds unrealistic but.."
You cut him off. "Unrealistic?" You question. "Someone as smart and as great as you would be perfect for the job!" You encourage him.
"Oh really, you don't have to... I mean I'm just.."
You cut him off. "Os," you rub his shoulder. "You are so much more than what your own eyes can see."
He looks at you with astonishment. "My goodness. Thank you, (Y/N)"
The bus stops. Oswald walks you to your small apartment door. "Sleep well tonight, and thank you again, for your kind words."
You shrug and give him a smile. "No problem."
You lock eyes with him. There's electricity, you can feel yourself wanting to lean in, to kiss him, but he looks away.
"Guess I'll get going." He hobbles off.
"Wait!" You call and he stops and turns around.
You run to him, not wanting him to leave.
He stares at you with wonder.
You panic and just wrap him in a tight hug.
He hobbles backward for a minute, taken off guard by your hug, but squeezes you back.
"Thanks for taking me home." You say nervously and run back into your apartment.
"No, don't get close, he'll never want you." You tell yourself as you look in the mirror at your horrible burn.
You caress the scar with your fingers, "who could possibly love someone like this?"
****Fast forward a few years****
"Unbelievable." You say with a smile as the television in the diner announces that Oswald Cobblepot is now running for mayor.
"Tell me about it." An old man grumbles from a booth beside the set.
"You don't think he'll win?" You say as you pour him more coffee.
He snorts. "Come on, he's a criminal!"
You shrug. "I think he's got potential."
The old man rolls his eyes.
Your boss calls your name. "You're free to go home. Your shift is over for the day."
You gather your tips and walk down the streets of gotham to your apartment.
"Miss?" You hear a voice from behind you.
You turn and see Oswald, standing there, a smile on his face.
"Os!" You can't contain your excitement. You haven't seen him since he lost the club.
You hug him and he hugs you back. "You look like you're doing well. What have you been up to?"
"Just working at the diner, not much else, but let's talk about you! You're running for mayor? That's amazing!"
"Thank you my dear." He blushes. "Forgive me if I'm being too forward, but would you like to join me for dinner this evening? I'll have a limo pick you up and bring you to my house, I'll cook for you."
"Of course. That sounds great, Oswald."
You two depart and you return home to get ready for the night.
You choose a mid thigh, skin tight black dress with red heels.
It fit your body well, and the heels gave you some height, your body was exceptional. If only you could feel equally confident about your face.
You put on your makeup, wishing it would completely cover the scar, but of course it doesn't. You do your smokey eye look and bold red lip and wait in the living room for your limo.
You hear a light honk outside and look at the clock. 7:00 pm. Right on time.
You go outside and see a tall, muscley man opening the door for you.
"Miss (Y/N) you're looking lovely this evening." He tells me.
"Thank you sir." He assists me in the backseat and gets in the driver's side.
"Mr. Cobblepot is very excited to see you."
"He is?" You say with glee, realizing you sound like a teenage girl.
This makes the man giggle softly. "Shut up." You say playfully.
You arrive and are escorted into Oswald's home.
You are lead into the most fancy dining room you've ever seen.
Oswald appraches you, his eyes connecting with yours. "You look lovely." He takes your hand and lightly kisses your knuckles.
"Why thank you." You smile.
Oswald leads you to the table where you eat the chicken he prepared and catch up on each other. He tells you everything, from his mother passing to him running for mayor.
After dinner you two sit by the fire place.
"(Y/N)?" He looks at you, curiousity fills his eyes.
"Forgive me, but, may I ask, what happened to you?" He traces your scar delicately with his index finger.
"Oh." You're taken off guard. "Um, just an accident." You lie.
He puts a hand on yours. "(y/n) I promise you can be honest with me."
You nod, tears filling your eyes. You did feel you can trust him, but it's hard to tell this story because you haven't told anyone else before.
You spill everything about how this horrible burn came to be.
"And just like that, I became the ugliest thing to ever walk the streets of Gotham."
Oswald squeezes your hand. "Do not ever say that again." His voice has hints of anger, but seeing your tears, he softens his tone and wipes them away.
"Listen to me, (Y/N) you are absolutely beautiful. Inside and out. I've always thought so."
He carresses your scar and continues talking. "This is a symbol of something that has made you a strong woman, something that has made you who you are. If anything, it makes you that much more beautiful."
You're stunned, no one has ever called you beautiful.
You feel yourself becoming enchanted as Oswald leans in. The smell of his cologne mesmerizing you.
"(Y/N).." He whispers in your ear. "You are so much more than what your eyes can see."
You smile, you had told him those exact words.
He brushes his lips against yours softly before lightly kissing you.
You kiss back passionately. Your hand on the back of his head and his arm wrapped around your waist.
The kiss breaks and he cradles your face in his hand.
"You are the most beautiful person on this planet. When I win this election, I want you beside me. I want you to be my queen, to be with me every step of the way. You have always believed in me, even when I didn't believe in myself. You're the only person I want to be close to."
You smile, realizing your deep feelings for Oswald and how much he means to you.
"Of course." You tell him.
He smiles and takes your hands in his. "I'll take good care of you. I promise."
You melt in his warm embrace, finally realizing this is where you are meant to be. With him, this is your home. This is your safe haven. ♡♡

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