◇ Winter Vaction ◇(Edward Nygma Request)

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PART1 REQUEST FROM: @PrincessBlue245

"Thanks for helping me pack." I tell my roommate.
"No problem." She neatly folds my shirts and places them in the suitcase. "Do you need a ride to the train station?"
"No, I'm good. Would you mind helping me to the car though?" I ask.
"Of course." My roommate grabs two suitcases and we take the elevator to the ground floor.
We load up and say our goodbyes.
"Want a piece of gum?" She asks.
"No thanks." I deny, I've always hated chewing gum.
She shrugs and shoves the pack in her pocket. "I'll see you next semester. Be careful in Gotham."
We hug and I drive to the train station.
I load up my luggage and relax in my seat with my headphones in.

Once I arrive in Gotham, I drive to my hotel, the Gotham Royal. My parents booked it for me as a gift. Once I check in I set my bags down and get settled before leaving to get some coffee.
As I walk down the street, I admire all the beauty Gotham has to offer. I've always thought it was beautiful and have wanted to come here for years. It's the type of place I'd go on my honeymoon, if I were to ever get married that is. I've really never had a boyfriend, or even a first kiss. Pathetic right?
As I'm drowning in my thoughts a man bumps into me on the sidewalk.
"Oh! Goodness, I'm sorry." He says frantically.
I smile at him. "No, I wasn't paying attention, it was my fault."
We both laugh awkwardly at our clumsiness.
"My name's Edward Nygma. What's yours?" He asks politely.
"Oh, my name's (Y/N)." I tell him.
A smile spreads across his face, it's then that I realize how handsome he is. "That's a lovely name." He tells me.
"Thanks." I blush.
"Do you like riddles?" He asks.
I raise my eyebrows. "Riddles? They're okay I guess."
He grins, his dimples showing. "Some like it hot, some like it cold, some like it mild and some like it bold. What am I?"
I racked my brain for a few seconds. "I give up." I laugh.
"Coffee?" He asks, flirtatious. 
"I would love some coffee." I agree. Did he just ask me on a date.
As we walk to the coffee shop, Ed stumps me with so many riddles on the way.
Like the gentlemen he is, he opens the door for me and lets me enter the coffee shop first.
We order our drinks and sit at a table by the window.
"Thank you for the coffee." I politely say.
"Oh, you're very welcome." He smiles. "So, what brings you to Gotham, (Y/N)?"
I take a sip of my coffee. "I'm here for winter vacation. My semester of college just ended, my parents did this as a present."
He rests his chin on his fist, listening to what I'm saying. "What college do you go to?"
"Lynchburg." I answer.
"That's a great school! What are you majoring in?"
"Fashion design. Would you like to see some of my sketches?" I ask.
"I'd love to." He says.
I smile as I get my sketch book out of my purse. It feels nice talking to Ed, like he really wants to get to know me.
Ed flips through my sketch book, admiring the clothing designs I've drawn. He hands me back my book. "You are very talented, my dear."
"Well thank you."
He gestures to my book. "I like the blue dress."
I smile. "Thank you. Blue is my favorite color."
We sit in silence for a few moments.
"Tell me about you." I say.
He sits back in his seat. "Well, I love riddles, as you already know. I also work at the GCPD in the forensics department.. oh, and not to brag, but I make the best cheeseburgers."
"You don't say?" I giggle.
"I'll have to cook one for you soon." He winks.
I blush and look down for a bit.
"What is it?" He asks.
"I'm a vegetarian."
"Well, that's no problem!" He says.
We laugh. Edward is gazing at me intently.
"Do I have something on my face?" I ask.
He laughs. "No, I'm just admiring your (color) eyes. They're beautiful."
I almost choke on my coffee. "Thank you so much."
Ed looks at his watch. "I actually have to get going, but I'd like to get to know you more. Would you like to attend a Christmas party with me tonight?"
"Sure." I shrug.
He walks me out and calls me a cab.
"You didn't have to do that."
He opens the cab door for me. "It's too cold for a pretty girl like you to be walking outside."
I smile at his sweetness.
"I'll pick you up at your hotel at 6, okay?" He asks.
"Sounds perfect. I'll see you then."
We say our goodbyes and I return to the hotel to get ready for the party tonight.

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