○Sick○ Oswald Cobblepot

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You wake up in your bed to find Oswald already gone. He had to leave early for a meeting. You were proud of him and his success, but you did miss spending time with him.
You cough and cough, and your nose is congested.
"Ugh," you moan as you walk into the kitchen to make yourself some breakfast.
"Good morning, miss." One of Oswald's servants greets you.
"Hi. Aren't you supposed to be with Oswald?" You ask.
"Mayor Cobblepot asked me to stay here with you until he gets back. He said you haven't been feeling well. Can I get you anything miss?"
You smile and shake your head. "Oh, no. I'm fine. Thank you though. I'm probably just gonna make some toast and binge on (your favorite show) until Ozzie gets back."
He nods. "If you need anything, I'll be in the living room. Hope you feel better soon."
You make your toast with nutella and take it and an extra blanket to the upstairs den where you and Oswald kept your huge flat screen television.
You cover up and stretch out your sore body on the couch, turning on the tv. You eat and drift off into a nap.
You wake up to Oswald kissing your forehead.
"Hello, my dear." He smiles as you wake up.
You smile but then turn your head away from Oswald, you cough violently.
Oswald rubs your back as you collapse your head back onto the pillow. "My goodness." He says.
"I'm sorry if I kept you up last night with my coughing." You apologize.
He holds your hand in his. "Don't apologize, my dear. Let's just focus on helping you feel better."
He kisses your forehead again and leaves the room for a short minute, rerurning with some medicine to help your cough and a tall glass of water.
He gives it to you and pops (your favorite movie) into the dvd player.
He sits with you on the couch and you snuggle up to him.
"You're so good to me." You tell him.
He rests his head on top of yours. "You're my queen. You'll always be my number one priority."
You and Oswald cover up and spend the rest of the night together watching the movie and talking about how his day went.
You were lucky to have him. You wouldn't trade him for the world.

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