You see a movie that makes you cry

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Jim Gordon: Tears stream down your face as the saddest scene of the movie plays on the flat screen. Jim comes back in with the popcorn. "Hey, I think it may have gotten a little burnt but-" he notices your tears and smiles cheeky. You shake your head and laugh softly. "Shut up, Jim!" You smack him playfully and he laughs. He sits next to you and places his arm around your shoulders. "I always knew you were a big softy." He kisses your forehead and you cuddle up into his chest, he wraps a large blanket around the two of you. "Bite me." You jab at him. He just smirks. "Don't tempt me." He wipes your tears and hugs you tight throughout the rest of the movie. You adored the playful and loving relationship you two shared.

Nygma: Ed was so enthrolled with the movie that he barely even noticed you were beside him, let alone that tears were rolling down your face. A small sob escapes your lips which causes him to pause the movie and turn to you. "Oh, darling it's alright." He wipes away your tears and pulls you into his arms. His warmth comforts you and you smile as you rest your head on his chest. Everything is peaceful until Ed decides to tickle you, causing you to jump and laugh uncontrollably. "Ed! Stop!" He smiles. "You have the most adorable laugh." You smile and sit on his lap, you finish the movie with Ed's arms wrapped around you. You keep an eye on him making sure he doesn't tickle you again. He laughs at your nervousness and kisses your cheek.

Oswald: You hold your knees to your chest, tears falling down your face. "I'm home, my dear." Oswald calls as he enters the front door. You wipe away your tears quickly, hoping that Oswald won't notice. He comes in and you fake a smile, but Oswald knows better. He can always tell when something is bothering you. "My dear, what is it?" He sits next to you on the couch with a hand on your thigh. "Just this sad movie." You tell him. He nods in understanding. "Come here." He holds open his arms. You scoot closer to him and rest your head on his shoulder. "I love you." He tells you. You smile up at him, adoring his amazing eyes that you fell in love with. "I love you too, Oswald." He rubs your back comfortingly and kisses your head. You always felt safety and comfort in Oswald's arms, it's the only place you wanted to be.

Bruce: "I hate these sappy movies." You complain to Bruce and he laughs. "Come on, I actually like this one. This is a good part." You roll your eyes and watch the depressing scene on the screen. Tears form in your eyes, but you blink them away fast, hoping Bruce won't notice. You always acted tough around him, you didn't want him to know how sensitive you are. Bruce grins softly and watches you out of the corner of his eye. "I see you." You roll your eyes and let out a sigh, knowing you were caught. "Sorry.." he holds your hand and smiles at you. "There's no need to apologize. You don't have to be someone you aren't with me. You should know that." He kisses you on the cheek sweetly. "I just don't want you to think I'm weak." Bruce holds your face in his hands. "You're one of the strongest, most beautiful people I know." He kisses you long and soft, you smile and rest against his chest as he holds you. "Come on, I'll have Alfred take us to eat." You nod and leave with Bruce and Alfred. Bruce always knew how to take care of you, he seemed to always have the right words to say to make you feel better.

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