◇ Winter Vacation ♡ part 2

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I dress in a blue, knee length dress with black flats and wear a long sleeved black sweater.
My makeup and hair are done. As soon as I finish spraying my hair with hairspray, there's a knock on my door.
I open it to Ed, his mouth agape, like he had just seen something amazing.
"Hi, Ed." I greet him.
He smiles. "Had by few, but treasured by all, I'm on the inside and outside and I make men fall. What am I?"
I shake my head, his riddles are adorable, bur again I'm stumped.
I shrug.
"Beauty." He kisses my cheek. "You look so beautiful."
I blush. "Thank you."
He notices my necklace and twirls it. "This is pretty. I notice it's an ice skate, I didn't know you were an ice skater."
I nod. "I love it."
He smiles. "You'll have to teach me."
Ed and I head to the party in a limo, once we get there, we are greeted by a friend of Ed's.
"(Y/N), this is the mayor of Gotham and my dear friend Oswald Cobblepot."
"Nice to meet you." I say, politely.
"Wow, Ed. You weren't lying, she's very pretty."
Ed elbows him in the side, which causes me to laugh.
We enter the Sirens and the place is full of people. It's dark, but neon lights fill the building and music blares.
"Can I get you a drink?" Ed asks.
"No, thank you." I tell him.
"I'll be right back." Ed leaves to get a drink and I stand by.
"Hi." A blonde lady approaches me. "I'm Barbara Keen, the owner of this club." She firmly shakes my head.
"Hi. I'm (Y/N). I came with Ed."
She laughs. "Oh, I know. He's talked about you all night."
I smile. "He has?"
She takes a sip of her drink and nods. "He likes you, I can tell."
"You think so?" I ask.
"Hell yeah, girl."
I laugh and Ed returns with his scotch, and talks to Barbara for a few minutes before inviting me on the dance floor when a slow song comes on.
He wraps his arm around my waist with care, his embrace warm. I rest my head on his chest.
"(Y/N)..." he whispers.
I look up and he caresses my cheek with his thumb.
"I've really enjoyed your company today."
I smile up at him as we sway back and forth. "I've enjoyed yours as well."
He looks at me, his eyes filled with adoration.
"Shared between two; most often to woo; sometimes hot and sometimes cold; the beginning of us all, young and old..what am I?"
I think for a minute but fail to find an answer. "What is it?"
He leans into me, and the smell of his cologne makes me dizzy with want, want for him.
"A kiss...." he whispers in my ear.
"Ed.." I whisper.
But he says nothing, he leans in to me, his hand under my chin, and his lips lans softly and tenderly on mine. Mt heart beat speeds up, this was my first kiss, ever, and nothing ever felt more right.
He pulls back and brushes my hair behind my ear. "You're such a lovely girl, (Y/N). I'm very lucky to have met you."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2017 ⏰

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