♤Miss Tease♤☆Oswald☆

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"Oswald, seriously, this is rhe fifth date night you have bailed on me. I'm so sick of it!" You yell frustrated at your boyfriend.
"Well I am sorry, (Y/N) but you know this is what I do!" He spits back motioning his hands in the air like he always does when he's mad.
"Then stop telling me things are going to change. Stop telling me I matter to you when your actions prove that I don't!" You point at him in anger.
He points back, wagging his finger. "Now, you know that's not fair.." he begins but you cut him off, tired of all his excuses.
"Oh, isn't it? You don't even look at me anymore, Oswald! You don't notice me. For God's sake half the time I wake up in the middle of the night and you aren't in bed with me, you're on the damn couch!"
He rolls his eyes and throws his head back. "My God, (Y/N) you know I fall asleep there when I get home while doing paperwork."
"Whatever, Oswald. I'm done." Tears form in your eyes.
Oswald's eyes widen. "My dear.." he looks like he's about to cry, but you run out the door, get into your car and drive to a hotel. You drive to one all the way across town in hopes Oswald won't find you there. It pained you to do this, you love him, but you feel him slipping away, so you had to end it. Now, here you are, on your own.

**Two months later**
"Welcome to the stage, Miss Tease!" The announcer boasts on the microphone.
You take your position on stage, dressed in glitter and a dress, your makeup, over the top as always.
This has been your life since you left Oswald. This is the only place that would hire you. Before you didn't have a job, Oswald took great care of you. He told you you'd never have to work a day in your life. Now that he's gone, you have to make it on your own, and this, while not being the ideal job, pays very good money.
Yoy finish dancing and exit the stage with your enormous amount of tips.
"Nice job." Your boss says as he hands you your pay check.
"Thanks." You say with a small smile.
"There is a bachelor party booked for tomorrow, asked for you by name." Your boss informs you.
"Really?" You raise your eyebrows, you were a crowd favorite in the club, but you were surprised to be asked for by name for a party, that had never happened.
Your boss gives you the details and you head home to your small apartment, the only one you can afford at the moment, but you planned to save up for something better. You heat up some left over pizza in the microwave, and then shower and head to bed.
The next day you wake up, do your landry, pay your bills, and go visit your mother in the hospital before work.
Once you get to work your boss gives you the adress and you head to the bachelor party.
You get into your car and plug in your phone, you blast your favorite spotify playlist. It has all your dance tracks on it, it gets you pumped before you have to perform.
After thirty or so minutes, you arrive at your destination.
"Wow." You say. You get out of the car and admire the large mansion you just arrived at before lightly knocking on the door.
A big, muscled up man answers.
"Good evening, ma'am. Are you here for the party?" He questions.
You smile. "Yes sir."
"Come on in. I'll show you where the party room is."
He leads you into a room with a large fireplace, lots of chairs, probably for the guests. There is one big chair in the middle.
You point to the large chair, "that for the bachelor?"
The man smiles. "Yes, he and the others will be here soon. I plan to surprise him with you when he comes in."
You nod.
"Shouldn't be long now. Would you like a drink while you wait?" He asks.
You raise a hand. "I'm fine, thanks."
He exits the room. You decide to explore, you'd never seen any place like this. It was so huge.
Your thoughts are interrupted by a familiar voice.
"Hello, darling."
You turn and see Oswald, looking angry, smirking at you.
Your jaw drops and you're frozen. "Os..." you manage to whisper.
"Surprised?" He laughs.
"Why?" You ask.
He hobbles over to you, eyeing you up and down. "For a show of course, isn't that what you were hired to do?"
"You asked for me by name, how did you know where I worked?" You interrogate.
"Oh, darling," he forcefully pushes you down on the table causing you to whimper. "You underestimate me, you should know I will always find you."
Oswald towers over you. You've seen him like this, but never with you.
"Please don't hurt me." You say, tears filling your eyes, knowing what he's capable of.
He laughs and caresses your cheek, leaning into your ear. "You really don't think I'm going to punish you for running away?"
He runs his tongue up the crook of your neck, causing you to shake and moan.
"Os..." you moan and try to push him off.
"Shut up." He says forcefully and turns you over on your stomach, bent over the table, your back side in the air, Oswald's hands hiking up your dress and rubbing it softly before spanking you.
"Oh, God!" You yell out in pleasure. You and Oswald always had great sex but this was something new, you've never seen him so forceful, so wild, quite frankly you kind of liked it.
"That's right, take your punishment like a good little girl." He strikes your back side again and brings tears to your eyes.
He turns you around and caresses your face.
"Poor thing, did daddy spank you too hard?"
You struggle under his grasp.
"Let me make it up to you."
He leans down and kisses you, biting your lower lip, which causes you to growl a bit.
Oswald smiles. "There's that bad girl, I always knew you were."
You narrow your eyebrows at him. "Ass hole." You spit at him.
He just moves to your neck. The feeling of his tongue against your skin, and his teeth biting into you causes you to buck your hips up in pleasure.
He takes this as an invitation and takes off your panties.
He spreads your legs and slides off your dress over the top of your head. He starts to massage your breast over your black lacey bra, causing you to moan and bite your lip.
Oswald moves his hands under your behind and gets on his knees, bringing you to his face.
"Mmmmmm...." he says, sucking on your most delicate area while you're underwear is still on.
"Oswald... mmmmm..." you give in to the pleasure.
"You're not the only one who knows how to tease." He says with a wink and kisses your inner thighs and bites them.
After a few moments of you moaning and gasping his name, he can't take it anymore and slides your panties off, and his tongue enters you slowly at first but then he moves faster and faster.
You're almost certain all of Gotham can hear you screaming, but you don't care, his tongue felt too damn good.
He started licking your clit, which causes your eyes to roll in the back of your head, he licks faster and faster until you finish in his mouth.
He gets up prepared to enter you, But you kick him to the ground and climb on top of him.
You postion yourself to ride him, and stick him deep inside of you as you straddle him.
"(Y/N)" Oswald moans, his eyes wide with surprise and pleasure.
You slap him. "Shut up." As you ride him you decide to be a little rough and put your hand around his throat.
"You think you can just bring me here, and do this, huh? Who the FUCK do you think you are, Oswald?"
He gets angry and squeezes your ass while you bounce up and down on his rock hard dick.
"You didn't seem to mind earlier when your legs were around my head earlier." He teases, and smacks your ass hard.
"Just shut up. And fuck me." You say.
You ride him hard and fast. Oswald starts breathing heavier and heavier. And he cries out as he orgasms.
You get up and dressed as does Oswald.
"Well, that was fun. Goodbye, Oswald."
You start to walk out but he grabs your hand and pulls you into a tight hug.
"My love, please stay."
"What?" You ask surprised.
He pulls back and cradles your face in his hands 
"Listen to me, my darling, I was wrong before. You are the most precious thing in the world to me. I love you more than anything. I am so sorry, I didn't treat you like the queen you are."
You tear up. "Oswald, you hurt me. I felt like you didn't love me anymore."
He wipes away your tears. "I'll be better my love. I'll spend more time with you. I won't cancel another date. I just miss you so much. Please come back home."
You smile, knowing Oswald's words are sincere. You give him a kiss on the lips and he gladly kisses back.
"Oswald, you're a pain in my ass."
He laughs and kisses both of your hands. "But you love me."
You roll your eyes playfully and smile. "Always."
He brings you into a hug and kisses the top of your head.
You two lived happily ever after as king and queen of gotham.

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