How he calms you down after you have a nightmare

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James Gordon: "(Y/N) wake up." Jim shakes you lightly. Your eyes open and you rub them. "Oh God, sorry.. did it happen again?" Jim gives you a look with his eyes full of deep concern. "I'll be right back." You sit up in your queen sized bed and stretch your arms to the ceiling. Jim comes back with some warm milk to help you sleep. "Thanks baby." You tell him. Jim puts a comforting hand on your back. Jim always had a tough disposition but he had a soft spot when it came to you. He leans in and kisses your forehead, "get some rest, babe." He lets you lay your head on his chest and you fall asleep protected by his loving, strong embrace.

Edward Nygma: You turn off the sink and exit the bathroom in you and your boyfriend's shared apartment. You see Ed as you open the door with a glass of water. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up." You apologize. Ed runs a finger through your hair, sweetly. "Don't apologize, my dear." He takes your hand in his and leads you back to the bedroom. He pulls you down gently in his lap, and you wrap both of your arms around him, welcoming his affection. "Why can't you sleep?" He questions. "Nothing.." you shake your head, "just another nightmare." He nods understandingly and holds you tighter. You sit in silence for a minute, before Ed breaks the silence. "The rich man want it, the wise all know it, the poor all need it, and the kind men show it..." You smile, in love with his adorable riddles. "Love?" You ask and he smiles. "I love you darling, I promise, I'll keep you safe no matter what." You kiss him and rest your forehead on his. "Come here." He pulls you into his lap, where you fall asleep, your head resting on his lap while he reads over his notes for the next day at work, keeping his loving eye on you in case you had another nightmare.

Oswald Cobblepot: Tears stream down your face. Oswald wipes your tears and kisses your forehead. "I'm here, my love." You smile softly, trying to forget the painful image of Oswald being shot in your head. You love Oswald with all of your heart. Every once in a while you had scary dreams like this, about losing him. "I don't want to lose you." You sob. He smiles, admiring how much you love him. "You never will." He pulls you into his chest and lets you cry it out. You get comfortable against his warm embrace, hearing his heart beat in his chest, which comforts you, enough to drift off. You yawn, amd Oswald plays with your hair, knowing that will help you sleep. He starts humming softly, and eventually you fall asleep against him. He gently lifts you up and props you against your pillow. "Goodnight, my love." He kisses you gently on the nose and rests his arm around your waist as he falls asleep with his favorite woman in the world.

Bruce: You feel a pair of hands around your shoulders as you wake from your deep sleep. Alfred. "Sorry..." you apologize. "Don't apologize, miss. You were just having another nightmare." You shake your head and bring your knees into your chest. "Everything okay?" Bruce enters the room. "Yes, she was just having a bad dream." Alfred informs him. He sits on the edge of your bed. "May we have a minute?" He asks Alfred. Alfred eyes you two, knowing you two were too young to be alone together this late at night. "A minute." He insists. Bruce looks at you, his eyes full of worry. You fake a smile. "I'm fine." He shakes his head and holds your hand. "I'll keep you safe, I promise." You smile, knowing his words were sincere. He rescued you from two men robbing and beating you on the street, he was nice enough to give you a warm place to sleep. He scoots closer to you and puts a comforting hand under your chin, lifting your face up to his and plants a soft, long kiss on your lips. You kiss back, your cheeks flush pink. He pulls back. "Please, try and get some rest. I promise, I'll be in the next room if you need anything." He hugs you tight before exiting, and you fall back asleep, feeling more safe than you ever have.

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