☆Safety In Cuddles☆ ▪Jim Gordon▪

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"Has she woken up yet?" A loud voice roars in your ears.
"No, Harvey. Give the girl some time, she was nearly frozen to death." Another annoyed voice spits back.
You open your eyes, your cradled against a man's chest, he's holding you tight while you're wrapped in a blanket.
"Mmmm..uhh" you moan, trying to form words.
Jim looks down at you, eyes wide at your awakeness. He smiles. "Well, hello there."
You look around, and notice you're at the GCPD. The man holding you is a cop, but why? How did you end up here?
"Miss." Jim says softly, as he lifts your chin to make eye contact with him. "My name is Jim Gordon. Can you tell me your name?"
"(Y/N).." you stutter out, still shivering.
Jim nods, and calls out "can we get another blanket please?" And then turns his attention back to you. "We found you, half frozen laying on the street."
Your eyes widen. "How?" You question in disbelief.
Jim shakes is head in frustration. "We're still trying to figure that out."
He hugs you tighter, trying to share as much warmth as he can. "Don't worry, you're safe here with me."
You nod, still shaking, part of it from being cold, part from the shock of what has happened.
A nurse comes in and checks your temp. "Almost back to normal, not quite there yet though." She rubs your forehead with care.
Jim takes off his jacket and wraps it around you.
"Oh, you don't have to.." you start in before he interrupts you.
"Shhh." He brings you back into his lap and lets you nuzzle your head into the crook of his neck. "Just relax, you'll watm up soon. I won't leave you." He assures, his voice tough, but caring.
You lay in Jim's arms and fall asleep. He carries you to the hospital bed, still letting you wear his jacket. In the morning you wake to a note with a phone number.
If you need anything, don't hesitate to call me. I'd like to get to know you better, I hope you get feeling well soon.

-Jim xxx-xxx-xxx

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