♤A Song From the Heart♤ Oswald

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"I'm nervous." I confess to my best friend, Ivy.
"Don't be." She tosses her candy cane playfully in the trash, she's very child like, but that's one of the things about Ivy that I love the most. "You'll be fine." She puts her hands on my shoulders. "You look great, your voice is great. Pengy is going to see that."
I start to pace back and forth, I notice Ivy tear open another box of candy canes.
I chuckle. "How many of those have you had?"
"I lost count." She says, flinging the candy cane in circles around her finger.
I shake my head at her silliness. "Do you think my song is good enough? You don't think it's too much?" I question.
"Absolutely not. I think it's perfect, and Oswald will too. He's going for a more theatric theme for his new club."
I nod. "Okay, well I'm as ready as I'll ever be."
Ivy smiles. "Let's go."
I follow Ivy outside of our apartment and we hop in the cab and head to the new Iceburg lounge. I'm so greatful that Ivy snagged me this audition. I've dreamed of quitting that shitty fast food job forever, and now I finally can and follow my passion, singing.
We arrive at the club and two large men escort us in and take our coats.
"Pengy! We're here!" Ivy yells.
"For the last time, stop calling me that!" A sharp voice roars from the back of the lounge.
Then walks out the legend himself, Oswald Cobblepot, also known as the Penguin.
"Geez, my bad." Ivy says. "So touchy.." she whispers to me. She wraps her arms around my shoulders and side hugs me tight to her. "This is my friend, (Y/N)"
Oswald turns his eyes to me. "Ah, I've been looking forward to meeting with you, (Y/N)"
He greets me with a kiss on the hand. His eyes twinkling as they met mine.
"Are you prepared for your audition?" He smiles, his tone welcoming.
"Oh, uh, yes sir.." I stutter awkwardly.
Oswald laughs and puts a hand up. "Please, call me Oswald, my dear."
I smile shyly and approach the stage. The butterflies in my stomach grow stronger with each step I take towards the mic.
Stop it. You've got this. You've been singing ever since you could talk. It's show time.
I approach the mic and as the piano and saxophone begin, I follow through with one of my favorite songs from the musical Cabaret.
"Maybe this time, I'll be lucky, maybe this time, he'll stay..."
I sang with confidence. My voice echoing through the club, I just hope Oswald likes what he's hearing.
As I hit the highest note of the song and finish, I take a step back, and await the criticism.
Oswald sits in silence for a few moments, making me nervous, but then he stands slowly. Ivy and I swap nervous glances, not knowing what he's going to say.
Suddenly a wide grin spreads across his face. "It looks like I've found my headliner."
"Me?" I ask with excitement and shock. I figure I would get a spot, but never had I ever dreamed I'd be head lining.
I exit the stage, giddy with excitement, without thinking I hug Oswald tightly, he's taken aback, but then softly wraps his arms around me.
I realize how unprofessional this is and stand back quickly.
"I'm sorry." I feel my cheeks flush pink.
Oswald smiles softly and puts a hand on my shoulder. "It's alright, my dear."
Ivy hugs me tightly. "That's my girl." She boasts.
"You mean, MY girl." Oswald says with a wink in my direction, causing me to blush even more.
This is it. This is where my new life begins.

I've been working for Oswald for a year now. I've got to say, this is the best job I have ever had. I finally am able to live alone in a small apartment, I have my own car, and I get paid to do what I love. However, when I get home late at night, it would be nice for someone to wrap their arms around me. I'm a very lonely person.
The thing is, I've grown feelings for Oswald, and sometimes I think he shares them. Each time I come into work, I'm greeted with him smiling and saying "there's my girl." It could just be because I'm the headliner, but he doesn't talk that way to the other performers. It probably is just a coincidence though, he's my boss. He wouldn't think of me that way.
I can't shake these feelings. I feel like I owe it to myself to atleast see if he feels the same. I've never been very good at expressing my feelings through words, so I decide tomorrow night, Valentines day, I will sing a song, clearly explaining my feelings. I sit and think for hours of the perfect song to sing. And then it hits me, a smile spreads on my face, tomorrow will be my most meaningful performance yet.

"Ten minutes until curtain, my dear." Oswald pokes his head in.
"Thanks." My voice shakes with nerves. Oswald notices and takes a seat beside me.
"What's the matter? You don't ever get stage fright."
He's right, I don't. I perform confidently every night, but this night my song meant something.
"I'm just not myself tonight." I confess.
Oswald takes both my hands in his. "You're going to be phenomenal my darling. You always are."
I smile and squeeze Oswald's hand with care. "Thank you."
Oswald exits to get things prepared on stage. I stand behind the curtain in my long, flowy black dress. My curls neat, my eyeliner winged and my lips painted dark maroon.
The curtains open as I'm introduced to the crowd.
"Good evening, Gotham." I greet. "Tonight is a night full of love, full of roses, and chocolates..." my eyes meet Oswald's... "and full of new beginnings."
The music starts up, and I glance away from Oswald for a second, until the words begin and our gazes our locked on one another, as if we are the only two in the lounge.
"One boy, one special boy..." I've chosen this number from Bye Bye Birdie. As I sing, Oswald's expressions change. He looks as if he's completely enthrolled with me and my voice.
"You need someone who is living just for you." Once I say that line, I point to Oswald, his eyebrows raise, and I blush.
The song finishes and I exit the stage, patiently waiting for the end of the night.
There's a light knock on my dressing room door. It's Oswald.
He enters and shuts the door behind him.
"Phenomenal as always, love."
I thank him. Oswald stares at me for a long period.
"What is it?" I play dumb.
He steps closer to me, smiling softly. He twirls one of my curls around his fingers and lighlty caresses my cheek with the back of his hand.
"You are so beautiful." He whispers and bites his lip. Our eyes are locked, and I swoon.
"Os.." I pant.
Before I could say anything else, he holds my face in his hands and softly kisses me.
I kiss back, we stand there in my dressing room, our lips locked and his arms holding me close to him. We stay like this for atleast five minutes until he breaks the kiss.
"Will you be my valentine?"
I blush as Oswald plays with my hair in a loving manner.
"Of course." We kiss once more, I melt in his arms, ready to stand by his side, now and forever.

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