°Thief° Victor Zsas

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"You do know Penguin's gonna come after you?" My friend informs me.
"You let me worry about him, go on home." I say.
He nods and walks away.
I go into my apartment and pull out my huge wad of cash I snagged from Penguin's club. It wasn't easy but I got it done.
I lost my job a while back, so here recently, this is how I've been getting by.
I was counting the money when I hear a slight thud in my kitchen. I jump up quickly and retrieve the knife I keep in my back pocket.
"Who goes there?" I yell.
A tall, handsome, bald man walks out from the kitchen, eating a piece of pizza I'd left in my fridge.
"Nice place." He comments.
"Who the hell are you?" I spit at him.
He tosses the slice of pizza behind him and pulls a gun out from behind him.
"Did you really think you could steal from my boss and get away with it?"
My eyes grew wide, I quickly try and run past him and head out the door.
He grabs me and pins me down on the couch, his face inches from mine. My whole body is shaking.
"You do know I have to kill you, right?"
Tears form in my eyes and I start to cry. "Please.. no.."
The man carresses my face with his hand.
"Why shouldn't I?"
I try to kick him off, but he's too strong.
He laughs slightly. "You do realize, you being beneath me like this, trying so hard to escape, so helpless kind of turns me on."
He licks the crook of my neck and moans.
I shake out of pleasure and fear.
"Perhaps just this once, I can make an acception for a pretty thing like you."
"Sir.." I yelp out.
"Shut up." He demands and I nod.
He kisses me violently, his tongue darting in my mouth.
He takes off my t shirt over my head and sits back.
"Now, take off the bra." He orders and I follow.
I stand and slowly slide off my black lacey bra and it falls to the floor.
"Mmmm...nice..." he moans and holds me around my waist while he licks and sucks on my nipples. I throw my head back, squealing in pleasure, causing his tongue to lick faster. His tongue against my breasts would have been enough to make me cum, but I knew he wasn't finished with me yet.
"Lay down." He demands, his voice full of threat and seduction.
I lie down and he takes off my pants and admires my panties before spreading my legs.
"Bad, bad, little girl." He starts to bite my thighs, softly at first and then harder and then he sucks on them for a bit before removing my black panties with his teeth.
He eyes my area for a bit, and then looks up at my face with lust.
"I'm going to lick you until you scream."
His tongue traces my inner thighs causing my breathing to stagger.
"Please..." I beg for him, realizing I wanted him.
"What was that?" He teases.
"Pl-please?" I stutter as he sucks right above my area.
He smiles darkly. "If you insist."
He wastes no time. His tongue finds my most sensitive are. He flicks it softly, and very fast causing me to squirm and moan in pleasure.
Then, he licks me, really licks me, hard in the spot where I needed him most.
His lips against my skin and his tongue grinding on my clit so fast, I finish in his mouth, and he sucks up all my juices.
"Turn over." He demands, but doesn't wait for me to follow through, he turns me over and smacks my behind hard before entering my soaking wet opening.
With each of my moans I feel him get harder, he pounds me until he finishes and gets up and gives me a devilish look.
"Well, that was fun." He picks up his gun. "However, I still have a job to do."
He points it at me.
"What?!" I cry. "You can't! You said-"


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