☆Caught: Edward Nygma☆

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With Ms. Kringle being gone, the GCPD called me to fill in temporarily. As I walk down the hall to the medical office, I overhear the conversations of the policemen, and I thank God that I'm only here temporarily. I've only been here a short period, and things are just too crazy here.
As I enter the medical office, I realize that Ms. Thompkins has already left for the day, but she'd left my paperwork on the desk. I pick it up and notice a door open, where they keep the bodies. My OCD kicks in, so I go to close it. Big mistake. As I walk over to the open door I notice it's jammed, so I open it slightly and out falls a body, not just any body, her body. Ms Kringle.
I stood in horror as her cold, lifeless body lay there in front of me. I was about to turn and run when a familiar face stops me in my tracks.
"Ed!" I cry and he muffles my voice with a cloth. I struggle against his strong grasp.
The more I struggle the more tired I become, eventually I fall unconscious into his arms.
Hours later I awake in an unfamiliar apartment. My arms tide to a bed post. I look around and recognize nothing.
All of a sudden, the opening of a door shakes me up, causing me to yell.
"Help! Get me out of here! Please!" I yank and yank but the handcuffs don't give.
"Scream all you want, no one is going to hear you." Nygma walks across the room over to the bed.
My eyes are wide. "You killed her?" My voice, shaking with fear.
He says nothing, just eyes me with a fearful gaze.
I decide the only thing I can do now is beg.
"Please, Ed. I won't tell anyone." I whimper.
"Oh," he chuckles slightly. "I know you won't."
Fearing for my life, tears form in my eyes and I start to cry. "What are you gonna do to me?"
Ed smirks. He starts unbuttoning his jacket and tosses it to the ground.
Then, he climbs onto the bed and straddles me, hovering over me. I can feel his bulge through his pants, and suddenly I know what his true intentions are.
I struggle against his hold, but he's too strong. He holds me down, and places a hand on my throat.
"I've thought long and hard about what to do with you." His voice was low and seductive. "I could kill you." He chokes me slightly.
"Ed.." I cry out in a slight moan of pain and pleasure. Why am I so terrified but at the same time, so turned on?
He shifts, poking his bulge in his pants deeper into my skin, and he closes his eyes and throws his head back, as if me struggling against him sends him into a lust filled frenzy.
"I've decided I'm just going to punish you."
He starts to unbutton my blouse and when he notices my black lacey bra, he looks up at me with lust in his eyes.
"Damn, your breasts are nice." He licks all over my breasts, his tongue filling my entire body with pleasure. I started to shake.
"Ed, you don't have to do this. Please." I beg, only half wanting him to stop.
He forces my face to look him in the eyes.
"Oh, but I do." He leans into me, dry humping his hard cock against me, hitting my sensitive parts through my skirt. "You were a bad girl today, snooping where you weren't supposed to." I feel his breath against my neck. "I have to make sure that NEVER happens again."
He takes off my skirt and stands back, admiring me in my matching underwear set.
He bites his lip and begins to unbutton his shirt.
"Besides, seeing you here, like this, all tied up, with nowhere to go, and no way out, drives me wild. You're mine now."
His voice is filled with aggressiveness as his shirt falls to the ground. It's only then that I notice how toned Nygma is. He isn't just some forensics nerd, he's fucking sexy.
Ed pulls down my panties and starts to rub my clit, causing my eyes to roll in the back of my head and a low moan to escape my lips.
He smiles, knowing what he's doing is working.
The wetter I get, the harder he pumps his finger in and out of my opening.
Suddenly, Ed uncuffs me, but I know this isn't over.
"On your hands and knees. Now." He demands.
I don't hesitate. I do as he says.
Ed takes his belt off and bends down to my ear and starts whispering to me, his breath against my skin causing me to get wetter and wetter for him.
"It's time for your punishment, princess." He kisses my cheek and gets behind me.
He strikes my ass with his belt hard, which causes me to yelp out in pain and pleasure.
"Oh yeah." Edward moans, his breathing becoming more irregular with the more turned on he gets.
He strikes me harder and harder and causes me to fall on my stomach.
He grips my hips hard and enters me from behind causing me to gasp.
"Oh my God, you are tight." He gasps as he pounds me harder and harder.
He grabs a fist full of my hair and pulls it while he shoves the entirety of himself inside me.
I start to lose control and instead of begging him to stop, I beg him to go harder and harder.
He flips me over on my back and continues to pound me.
With his eyes locked on mine, his hand on my neck, he says those 3 words that make me lose it. "Cum for me."
As he goes harder and faster, and his tongue darts on my nipples, I release all over his cock.
This causes Ed to lose it. He releases into me and collapses on the bed beside me.
He turns to face me and kisses me sweetly, which is odd but nice.
I awkwardly get up and get dressed.
"Let me walk you out."
I turn and Ed has his pants on, still without a shirt, still looking hot as ever, takes my hand and leads me to the front door.
"It's been a pleasure, Miss." He opens the door and as I'm about to exit, he grips my arm hard and leans into my ear and whispers. "Next time I won't be so nice." He smacks my ass, sending me out the door.
I stand in awe a few minutes before starting the walk back to my apartment.
Out of all the strange things that has happened in Gotham, this has by far been the strangest for me.

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