Chapter 11

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Eleven ~ Zack

        I grab some of the paperwork and a pen. As I begin to jot some small things down on the paper I hear the bedroom door shut. Normally I would yell at Pierce for being behind closed doors with someone he likes, but I feel like I should trust him being alone with Nick. It's not like they are going to do anything.

        I know Pierce likes Nick, in the 'crush' sort of way. He didn't have to tell me either. Pierce is in one of my dance groups, so he saw Nick the first day he came. After that day, all Pierce could talk is how cute Nick is. I think it is funny how he basically drools over Nick, and me trying to be the best big brother I can possibly be, won't ruin any chance he has with Nick.

        The reason why I don't want Pierce alone with someone is because when he was about 14, he got his first boyfriend. His name was Axel. He would come home from school with Pierce all the time. To me, it seems like Axel made Pierce extremely happy. When they would be together, Pierce would constantly smile and laugh. It was the happiest I have ever seen him since our mom passed.

        Eventually, I wouldn't mind leaving them alone at the apartment, I trusted them enough. Sometimes, if I had to go run some errands, I would ask Pierce to have Axel over, mainly because I didn't want him alone, and because I knew it would make him happy.

        One night, I went shopping for some groceries. Pierce stayed back at the apartment with Axel. When I got back, I went to the door and searched my pockets for my keys. As soon as I had them in my hands, I heard yelling through the door.  The voice was a little too deep to be Pierce's. Instantly I tried to open the door, but the keys kept fumbling in my hands.

        Before the door finally opened I heard a small whimper. The door swung open and I went to the bedroom, the door fully shut, only to find Axel glaring down at Pierce. Pierce was holding his cheek and in tears.

        Axel has never stepped foot in this apartment since.

        The memory still gives me chills to think about.

        I shook my head, hoping those thoughts would leave my brain. I tried to turn my focus back to my paperwork, but gave up. I stood from the couch and went to the small kitchen. I opened the refrigerator and pulled out a bright red apple. I took a bite and leaned against the wall, wondering what Pierce and Nick were doing. Probably watching t.v..

        After finishing half my apple, I decided I should go check on them.  Slowly I made my way to the bedroom. I stopped in front of the door and placed my knuckles against the door, about to knock. Before I could even tap the door, I heard a soft moan escape through the walls.

        What was that? What are they doing in there? Pierce and Nick better not be doing what I think they're doing.  If I see any nudity, Pierce will be in for a lot of trouble.

        I open the door abruptly and open my mouth to speak, but I get cut off by the own dryness of my throat. Pierce is on top of Nick, straddling him while being shirtless. I barely get a look of Nick, but Pierce's hands were on the hem of Nick's shirt, lifting it above his chest.

     "Pierce!" I yell, making my brother turn around to face me. His face turning many shades darker then before. "Can I speak with you, now?" I growl and watch him scramble off of Nick.

        Before turning away and leaving the room, I take a small glance at Nick, he was covering his face and muttering something.

        I sat on the couch and ran my hand through my hair. That image was stuck in my mind. The sounds that I also heard made it even worse. "Pierce!" I yelled, my voice rising, "Get out here now!"

        I heard a few foots steps and I looked up, seeing Pierce coming out of the bedroom, struggling to put on his shirt. "Take a seat," I said, lowering my voice and nodding towards a near-by chair.  I couldn't help but realize how much I sounded like my father when he was angry with me.

        Pierce nodded and trudged towards the chair, biting his lip.

        After he sat down I didn't even know what to say. We both sat there awkwardly for about a minute. "So what were you guys planning on doing?" I finally asked, hoping I wouldn't hear the answer I was expecting.

        "Nothing!" Pierce said and shook his head, "We were just, kissing."

        "Pierce," I mumbled, "Just, are you sure you're ready to be in another relationship?"

        Instantly, Pierce's face went from embarrassment to anger, "Yes." He snapped at me, "I am 'ready'. God, why can't you just trust me?"

        I rolled my eyes up, "I do trust you, Pierce. Just some choices you have made after Axel." I shut my mouth. Pierces absolutely hates when I say his name around him.

        Pierce stared at me for a second, "You don't see me doing that stuff anymore"

        After The whole Axel incident, Pierce wanted all of his pain to go away. He would constantly go to any party and just sleep around. His grades also dropped completely.

        Now, he isn't doing that stuff anymore, and his grades have gone back up to being average. He hasn't been bad like that after Nick came along.

        I nodded, "Okay, okay. I'm not mad at you." I began and looked at him, "Just, please tone it down?"

        His cheeks turned pink and he rolled his eyes, "Okay, Mr. Bossy." He said while standing from his seat, heading back down the small hallway to the bedroom.

        "Keep the door open," I called to him and he dramatically sighed.

        I chuckled to myself and looked back at the paperwork. I grabbed it and started to write down some notes.

        After marking down a few papers I sat back on the couch and began to think about Nick and Pierce, now being together. I frowned and began to play with my fingers. I was a little jealous. Not even a little. I was really jealous. I kept telling myself that it was weird, and a little gross. But I can't control what my feelings want.

        I couldn't help but think about when I walked in on Pierce and Nick kissing, but instead of seeing Pierce on top of Nick, I imaged myself. I was kissing Nick and pulling his shirt off.

        Embarrassed by my own thought, my face felt hot and I shook my head. I stood up from the couch and went to the bedroom, only to see Nick and Pierce watching t.v.. I looked at Nick but suddenly felt uncomfortable. "Hey, uhm, Nick? When are you going home?" I asked awkwardly.

        Nick looked at me and his face turned a little pink, "She gets off at 6. Is that okay?" He asked, his voice in a quiet tone.

        I nodded, "It's fine, stay as long as you want." I smiled and walked back to my paperwork.

        Just another hour before he leaves. Which is another of awkwardness for me.

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