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Hi everyone! I'm finally back and finally able to make a damn chapter. This chapter only took me a few hours and I should have started sooner but I have work.

Anyway, chapter is dedicated to :Larryshipperforever5 because she's a funny potato and I love heeeer.

Enjoy this chapteerr.



Chapter 7

Louis was sleeping peacefully, dreaming of food and hot half naked men feeding him when he was woken up by a loud crying sound coming from downstairs.

He didn't know what was going on and his mind was still groggy from sleep but he forced himself to roll over out of his bed and just managing to stay upright on his foot. He took the baseball bat from behind his door and slowly opened his door and carefully made his way downstairs.

He was gripping the bat nervously but ready to smash any home invaders face because he was having such a nice dream and they decides to rob his house, that was unacceptable, of all the days they can choose to invade his home.

He rounded the corner and took a long breath before jumping inside the living room and aiming his bat.

"-And then I said I'm uncomfortable and I ran!" a girl was sat on Louis' couch and she hasn't noticed Louis entering the room because she was sobbing hysterically and the floor was littered with used tissue.

Louis scrunched his nose in distaste because he was so not picking those up.

But his mind couldn't completely comprehend what was happening because there was a stranger inside his living room, crying and Harry was sitting on the opposite chair and writing something on a small notebook in his lap.

Louis didn't know what was happening this early in the morning.

"What the hell Harry." Louis grumbled as he set the bat down next to the couch and glared at his unwanted housemate.

Harry had been living in Louis house (yes this is Louis house and he would flip you off if you say otherwise) for almost a week and Louis did everything he could to avoid the curly exhibitionist because the sight of his pale naked bum is still engraved on his mind.

Niall had mentioned before that Harry had told him that he'll be working in the house and Louis didn't have a clue into what Harry's work entails and he hopes he didn't have to find out but right now, Louis is about to know because he needs a god damn explanation.

Harry paused from his writing and looked up to meet Louis gaze, he gave him a small grin and a wave.

"Good morning Louis!" Harry greeted enthusiastically.

Harry was too damn energetic in the morning, another thing Louis hates about him.

Louis crossed his arms over his chest and tapped his foot impatiently, he silently gestured to the girl sitting on his couch and crying her eyes out.

"This is Jasmine, she's my client. I told the others that I'll be using the living room for my sessions because you said no stranger is allowed in our room." Harry stated with a sigh and a knowing look directed at him.

Louis did in fact write that in the rule books.

"Sessions?" Louis asked in bewilderment.

"Oh right you didn't know, I'm a therapist." Harry finally nodded in understanding.

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