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So Harry was here in my country and we shared the same polluted air.

He kind of broke me to be honest but I have recovered and I present you with this update.

Hope you all enjoooooy :) :) 


Chapter 18

Louis felt a little sad at having to send his family back home but he knew that no matter how he just wanted them to stay here, they still have their own thing going on back in Doncaster.

The other boys have also tagged along with them, they each carried all the heavy bags while Louis just watched with a smirk because he can't lift any heavy things yet.

Being stabbed has its perks.

"You didn't have to send us to the airport boo." Jay said to Louis with a small smile.

Louis knew his mum wasn't also that fond of Louis staying here, no mother would leave their child behind but if there was anything Louis inherited from his mother, it was being stubborn.

He also has other things going on in here.

"I didn't but I want to." Louis waved her off because no way was he going to stay at home and let them leave without a proper farewell.

"I'm just so happy that you're surrounded by such great people, I couldn't ask for more." Jay stated happily while they both looked to where everyone was busy conversing with each other.

Niall was sat on the floor with Daisy and Phoebe on his lap, looking at YouTube videos about puppies. Liam was in a deep conversation with Felicity and Lottie was joking around with Zayn.

Louis then turned to Harry where he couldn't stop himself from smiling because Harry was carrying both Doris and Ernest who were giggling about something that Harry had said which they find amusing.

"Well they are quite something." Louis murmured before turning back his attention to his mother who has a knowing smile on her face.

"Do you love him?" Jay asked out of the blue.

"I do." Louis answered unconsciously that is until he realized what her mother was asking.

He stared at her with wide eyes and surprise written all over him.

"You knew?"

Jay nodded mischievously. "I knew since the first day." She added.

"How?" Louis stuttered out in surprise.

Jay smiled at his oblivious son and pulled him in a hug. There wasn't anything to hide in Louis' part because the way he stares at Harry when no one was looking was the only proof she needed and it was a bonus that Harry was a complete gentleman. She couldn't wish for a better boyfriend for his son, good riddance to Kyle.

"Maybe I just knew my son more than he knew himself." Jay stated delightfully.

"You're so weird mum." Louis groaned but couldn't help the blush from appearing.

"I love you too Boo." Jay laughed at his eldest.

"Visit us soon okay?" Jay told Louis after their little mother/son moment.

"You'll be sick of me I promise." Louis laughed before pulling his mother again in a tight hug.

There was a lot of hugging happening and Louis wouldn't change it for the world.

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