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The amount of support and love I've received from this story is huge, maybe not that big to other people but still biiig.

Thank you so much!


Chapter 8

Louis knew he should stop procrastinating and start working soon before Eleanor actually flips and fires him, but he just can't make his mind focus on the work and task he has on hand.

He was usually very natural with working out creative ideas for photo shoots. Eleanor owns one of the most prestige Advertising Company in London with clients all over the world, she might not look the type to be owning such a big company but behind the sweet appearance she displays, she was actually very vicious and most big burly CEO's get intimidated around her. Louis had seen Eleanor under pressure and he knew that he should start planning out this next photo shoot for Armani or Eleanor will have his head.

"Of all the days to be lazy, I chose this." he muttered under his breath followed by a deep sigh.

He was too distracted with his thoughts which he still doesn't understand completely that he didn't notice anyone walking inside his office.

"Are you really lazy though or distracted?" Eleanor's curious voice caught Louis by surprise, he almost jumped out of his seat but luckily didn't embarrass himself in front of his boss.

"Oh Eleanor, you're here." Louis said as he tried to look busy by messing his table and quickly taking the trash bin under his desk which made him pause because why was he holding it again?

His actions only made Eleanor raise a suspicious perfectly shaped eyebrow at him.

"I can here you moaning in despair from a distance and I knew something must be wrong, you were usually ordering people around or screaming but you've been staring at the wall for a while now." she stated as she walked closer to Louis' desk.

"I am not." Louis replied with an eye roll.

He is definitely not an over dramatic bitch in the office, maybe a little but not over the top. A few ordering of people around is completely normal for a healthy working environment.

"What's wrong to my favorite employee, I need you to be artistic and shit and not winning a staring contest with a wall." Eleanor said and decided to take a seat on Louis' table, mini-skirts and all. Louis doesn't even spare her long set of legs a glance because it's not something new and he's seen her naked so many times and he's gay to top it all off.

"I'm just thinking of stuff I guess." Louis excused himself before going over to his cabinet only to stare at it again confused because what was he going to get from the cabinet again?

"That's code for man issues." Eleanor suddenly spoke which made Louis spin on his heels to give her a glare.

"Eleanor." He said her name slowly and pointed to his door to try and make her leave.

She will just start pestering him even further and he's already confused enough but Louis knew Eleanor better than anyone in the office and if there was one thing she doesn't do is following any orders.

"Is this about that hot teacher slash housemate you have? I vaguely remember you describing his out of this world cheekbones." She asked before jumping off the table and taking at seat on Louis office chair.

Louis just crossed his arms over his chest, massaging his temples because he can already feel an impending headache. He prefers when Eleanor was out bullying other employees and not him but most employees would cower under her attention but Louis was just used to it.

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