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Chapter 12

Louis didn't exactly know how to act around Harry anymore so he does what thinks it's best.

Avoid Harry at all cost.

It wasn't an easy task especially if the both of them are living in the same roof but Louis has been successful so far. He wakes up before anyone in the house and leaves for work while it's still dark outside, he was on the runner up to win Earliest Bird at the office and Eleanor has been laughing her ass off when he told her the reason why.

It's been a shitty week because not only does he need to go to work as early as possible, but he also must come home late when he's sure that everyone is asleep, even Liam.

He was physically exhausted but he thought it was better than having to face off Harry.

He knew that the best way to fix this is if he gathers all the courage he has and talk to him, but the image from that accidental kiss makes him want to lock himself up into his room and die.

Why was he feeling this way? What was happening to him?

Louis sighed when he turns the engine of his car off and he slowly made his way out of his car, he stared at his house and thinks about all the sudden madness it had brought into his life when he bought it. His ex-boyfriend cheating, his financials going straight to the drain and now he's living with four other people, three of them helping him pay off his debt and one of them being the real owner and who he is purposely avoiding.

It was a disaster and Louis is half tempted to just pack all of his belongings and go back home to his mom where he will surely be welcomed.

He was going crazy, his headache from yesterday was still present and all he wanted to do was crawl into his bed, forget about dinner and hope that tomorrow will be a much better day, it was Saturday so he will definitely spend all his day in bed to catch up with sleep and avoid Harry of course.

He went inside his now quiet house; the others are probably asleep. His stomach made a deep angry rumble reminding him to get something to eat. Louis didn't have much choice so he made his way to the kitchen to try and find something quick to eat before he goes to bed.

The kitchen was dark so he turned the lights on and expected to be greeted by an empty kitchen, but no, Louis had to jump a couple feet away in surprise when his eyes landed on Harry who was leaning over the counter, a serious frown on his face as he stared at Louis.

"Jesus Christ." Loui gasped as he tried calming his heart which was beating erratically, one because he got the shit scared out of him and two, because he was in a room alone with Harry who seems to be judging him quietly.

Fuck his life.

"You're home late again." Harry's deep voice said after a minute of silence.

Louis knew he wasn't trying to hide what he was doing, it was very obvious but the other lads might have thought it was because of work but of course Harry knew better.

"Well you're not my mom, I don't have report my whereabouts." Louis snapped a little coldly, suddenly started getting defensive because he wasn't ready to have any confrontations yet.

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