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Enjoy this chapter!

Sorry for the delay!

Thank you for all the love and support ♡♡


Chapter 23

Louis woke up from his sleep when his phone started continuously vibrating under him.

His eyes wandered around the room and searched for the source of the thing that woke him up from his sleep but he was only able to find Liam sleeping on one of the chairs, rather uncomfortably if he may add.

For a brief moment he almost forgot what was going on or where he was that is until it dawned to him that he was here after an alleged attack.

He remembered talking with Harry earlier on the phone where he informed him that they were going to return a bit later than expected because Jonah was denying the accusations.

They were waiting for Jonah's attorney before they can proceed to properly file a report for him to be sent to prison.

Louis then decided that it waa best to get some sleep rather than wait out the results and now he was rudely woken up by his phone.

He grudgingly took it and silently hissed when the bright light stung his eyes. Smartphones are helpful but they can be quite a bitch.

The ringing was still going until it stopped and he thought it was Harry checking up on him but it was several missed calls from an unregistered number.

He was going to ignore it and decided to open his inbox to check if Harry had any updates but a new messaged popped up.

He checked it and felt his heart stopped after he read it.

'Meet me alone in your house or he's dead'

There was nothing after that. Louis felt frantic because the message looked threatening but who was this person talking about?

Was it any of the boys?

Is it Harry?

He tried calling the sender but ended up talking to a machine about a disconnected number.

Louis didn't know if this was real or someone pulling his leg because Harry said something about Jonah being in custody but he hasn't heard from him since they last spoke.

There weren't any new messages either.

He decided to call Harry.

Louis waited with batted breath as his phone rang and prayed to anyone who was listening to him for Harry to pick up.

He didn't.

Louis tried multiple times but Harry didn't answer, it all went straight to his voicemail.

He can only stare at the distance as he listened to Harry's recorded voice.

'Hey um.. it's Harry! Hi! I can't be on the phone right now so I'll get back to you soon byee!'

Louis felt so numb all of the sudden, different scenarios running on his mind about what could have happened to his dear sweet Harry. All the twisted things that crazy stalker could do to him, the pain he could inflict.

He was too busy conjuring scenarios in his head that he didn't notice Liam waking up.

"Louis, is there something wrong?" Liam asked after noticing that Louis was awake and looking rather pale.

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