Chapter 1: Moving out

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Jenn's POV

I wake up to my brother's screaming at each other again... It's the 5th time this week I have woken up like this and it's Friday. I get out of bed and walk out of my room while I quickly through my long sweater over myself.

"What the fuck is wrong now?! It's fucking 6 o'clock in the fucking morning!" I yell at both of them from the top of the stairs. My oldest brother Paul turns and glares at me "Watch your mouth Jennifer, don't talk to me like that!" I walk down the stairs and shove him "Oh really Paul watch my mouth! I woke up to you two screaming bloody murder at each other yet again. What the hell is going on!"

Devin tries to step between us but Paul grabs me by the throat before he can. "Watch it little sister, just because we are blood doesn't mean I won't hurt you.... Especially now. Go pack your shit and grab your weapons your moving." Devin tries to come between us but can't. "Bro let her go, he said no harm to her while she is getting her stuff remember." Paul let's go of me and walks out not before yelling. "I mean it Jenn pack your shit your leaving in an hour!" I watch as the door slams behind him then turn my attention to my twin.

"What the hell was he talking about Devin, why do I have to pack my things?" He wraps his arm around me and leads me back up to my room and sits down with me on my bed. "Paul sold you to Mason Archer to pay for dad's debts. I'm sorry twin, there was nothing I could do to stop it. Come on I will grab your things out of the weapon room whiles you pack your clothes"

I stand up from the bed and punch a hole into a wall and turn back on Devin. "He fucking sold me! The gang has money why did he have to sell me his only fucking sister?!" I yell and I hear someone coming up the stairs. "He didn't have a choice Jenn, the deal was made with dad. So please start packing they will be here to get you soon. I will help you gather your weapons I'll be right back ok." I watch him walk out of the room as Paul walks in.

"I'm sorry for grabbing you by the throat that was wrong sis, but you have to learn respect and to watch your mouth. Mason won't put up with it and he will hurt you or kill you if you don't show him respect and keep in line. I'm sorry about all of this. Here are some bags for your clothes." He hands me the bags and turns to walk out but stops halfway to the door and turns back around "Please hurry they will be here in 15 minutes and they want you to be ready to go when they get here. Do you want my help?" I nod my head yes and he comes over and starts to help.

I start throwing all my clothes into the bags while Paul grabs all my things from my ensuite bathroom. We finish getting everything just as Devin walks back in holding a bag of my all my weapons. Paul walks up to me and hugs me "Stay safe little sister, I'll miss having you around here." As we pull away we here the door bell. Devin face darkens but we walks up to me and hugs me "I'll miss you twin, don't do anything stupid ok? I don't want you getting hurt." I pull away from Devin and look up at him "I'll miss you too twin, and I'll try not to do anything stupid I promise." We pull away from the hug as Chris walks in my room "Their here for her now"

We all walk out of my room and I see 3 huge guys but before I can say anything Paul does first. "Where is Mason Kevin? He said he would be here." The one big guy takes a step forward which I'm guessing is Kevin. "He is in the car taking an important phone call. Jason and Mike grab her bags. Come on Jennifer it's time to go now" Kevin goes to grab my arm but I shake him off.

"Don't touch me asshole, I'll knee you in the balls." I tell him and he glares at me. I hear the younger looking guy laugh. "My bro is going to have fun with her by the looks of it." I look at him and glare. Then turn back to my brother's and hug them both "I will miss you two. Keep in touch ok?" They both nod their heads yes and let me go. Devin looks at me "Mason is an asshole don't give him lip ok, stay safe" he says quietly so the other guys don't hear him. I nod my head at him and turn to face the guys holding my things.

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