Chapter 19

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Jenn's POV

I woke to the screams of my little girls saying "your not my dad". I get out of bed and go downstairs to the game room where I hear yelling. Once in the room I see JJ crying on the couch holdong his bleeding nose and see Josh standing over the girls who are sitting on a chair together.

"What happened here? Why is JJ hurt?" I ask bringing Josh's attenetion to me. Once JJ sees me he runs up to me with his arms up so i pick him up. "Lizzy and Hope were being mean to me and throwing their toys  at me." I walk over to where the girls are and bend down to their level. "Girls how many times have I told you that you can not gain up on your brothers and hurt them. I want you both say sorry to JJ right now for hurting him and say sorry to Josh." my little girls glare at me and Hope tries to smack me but I stop it. "No more hitting Hope I mean it. Now apologize and tell me what happened."

I back up so they could get off of the chair. They cone up to me and JJ and hug us both and apologoze to JJ for hurting him before sitting back up on the chair together. I stand up and hand JJ over to Josh who takes him right away. "Now what happended here?" I ask them and they just look up at me with sad eyes and point to Josh. "He isnt our dad and JJ is calling him dad." I sigh loudly and pick them up and sit down with them on my lap. "Girls he is JJ's dad. You had a different dad than he does. But your dad left you girls and Chris and isn't going to be coming back for you three. Josh is trying to be nice to girls and trying to be a second dad to you but you arnt being very nice to him." I try to tell them calmly but ends up with them both crying.

"Why did daddy leave us mommy?" Elizabeth asks me through her tears. "Your daddy left because he got into some trouble and didnt want you kids to ger hurt because of him baby girls. He loved all three of you very much." I stode up from the floor placing JJ down on his feet in the process. "You three play nicely now. Mommy has to talk to Josh." i walk out of the game room with Josh right behind me and go to the kitchen and sit down.

"Sorry about them being like that to you they arnt nornally like that at all." I tell him as he wraps his arms around my shoulders. "Dont apologize Jenn I understand why they are like that. Im just happy that JJ has accepted me. The girls will come around eventually as well. What did you want to talk about beautiful?"

I sigh and put my head down. "We need to finish this once and for all. I dont want my kids growing up like this. Their mother a fugitive that cant take them any where. I want it to stop. I want my children to grow up happy not like I did. I dont want them to know anything about this life at all. Once this whole mess is done and out of the way. This part of my life is done, no more gang or mafia shit, no more crime." I tell him dead serious. Josh comes forward and grabs my hand in his. "Jenn you may want out of it but remember you cant just walk away from it. It follows you where ever you will go. We can try and run from it but it will catch up to us eventually. You and me are to far in this life we will live and die in it."

I turn my back to him and look out the kitchen window. "Not if we kill all the remaining gangs. Take out everyone so their is no one left to come after us." Josh wraps his arms around my waist and sighs. "One of us could die in the process, you know that right?" He asks me and I nod my head in response and shrug my shoulders. "If it means my kids dont grow up like i did in this gang shit then its risk im willing to take."


I know this story has alot of errors and needs to be edited. When it is finished and i have tome i will go over and fix it.

Next chapter will be longer and more exciting.

Thank you for those you stuck around for the long waits during chapters. Im really busy with school and work right now and dont have much free time

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