Chapter 17

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Jenn's POV

I still can't believe that Josh is still alive and that I kissed him after everything. The mess with Dalton I still don't know what I'm going to do with him, he's my childrens father, if it was anyone else I would of just killed him but I don't know what to do. Do I kill my children's father or let him live to some extent just so my kids could still see him. My little girls Elizabeth and Hope would maybe forget about him after awhile but they might not, I know Chris would forget him since he is only a baby. JJ would take it the hardest though Dalton was in his life from day one and has called him dad since he could talk. Do I really want to hurt my kids like that?

I get distracted from my thoughts when I feel Josh move beside me and pull me closer to him whiles he props himself up with his arm so he could look down at me. "Your up early what's up Jenn?" He asks me and I shrug my shoulders at the question. "I don't know what to do with Dalton, I don't want to hurt my kids but I want him dead at the same time." I tell him and hear him sigh. "Jenn it's up to you but he will be here in a couple of hours with the kids. Could you ever trust Dalton not to go running to the cops though, especially here where they already have an arrest warrant out for you and your siblings. I still can't believe they all agreed to come back here, well for the most part at least." I nod in agreement with the last part. Surprisingly all my siblings beside Katrina wanted to come back here. Katrina didn't want to come back seeing how this wasn't originally her home Italy was and she just doesn't want to live this life anymore, well as little as she can live it. My other siblings see it like I do, this is our home and we will take back what is ours. Even my mafia decided to come with which will help with all the rebuilding that needs to be done here.

My thoughts are cut off when a phone starts ringing and I feel Josh lean over to grab his phone to answer it. He gets up off of the bed and walks over to the phone. The call last about 5 minutes before Josh turns around and smiles at me. "The plane just landed early baby, your kids will be here shortly" He tells me and I jump off of the bed and walk over and hug him tightly. "Thank you for making the call and getting them here. It means a lot Josh." I tell him and he smiles before he leans down and lightly kisses me on the lips. "Anything for you Jenn, I love you baby girl." I freeze when he says that he loves me. I still love him but I can't bring myself to say it back when I'm still technically with Dalton. "I don't expect you to say it back yet baby. Now come on get dressed they will be here in 5 minutes." He tells me and I quickly step out of his arms and turn around to find clothes to throw on.

When I throw off the shirt I was wearing and put on a crop top I notice Josh staring at me smiling. "You kept our tattoo I thought you would of covered it with something else." He tells me and comes closer to me and notices the "R.I.P." I added right under it. He runs his thumb over it and looks down at me. "Was this for me?" He asks quietly and I just nod my head yes. "It looks like that needs to be covered now though seeing how you are alive and well." I tell him with a grin appearing on my face. He just nods his head in response before turning around to finish getting dressed as I do the same by throwing on a pair of black shorts with rips wear the pockets are. We hear the door bell ring and I run down the stairs to answer it.

When I open the door I am greeted by my godfather, Dalton holding Chris, my two little girls run up and hug my legs tightly and JJ doing the same. "Mommy we missed you" my two little girls say at the same time and I bed down and hug my three kids that are hugging me. Shortly after I stand back up and take my baby boy from Dalton and hold him close to me kissing the top of his head. Dalton walks up to me and hugs me and places a kiss on my lips lightly. "I missed you Jenn. Why are we moving back here?" He asks me and I roll my eyes at him.

"Its our home Dalton and I want to come back." I turn to my godfather who is talking to Josh that I didn't notice came downstairs. I notice him keep glaring at Dalton. "Michael can you show Dalton his room downstairs please?" I ask him and he nods his head yes. There isn't really rooms downstairs , there are cells that are sound proof. Dalton looks at me confused and I tell that I will talk to him once I show the kids their rooms. He sends a glare at Josh who is looking at me smiling and glances down at JJ and his smile widens. Dalton places a rough kiss on my lips possively before walking away with Michael downstairs that shuts the door behind them.

I feel a hand tugging on my hand that isn't holding Chris and look down and see it's JJ. "What is it baby?" I ask him and he points to Josh. "Who is that mom and why does he keep looking at me?" I glance back at Josh and see that he is smiling at us. "His name is Joshua baby, I will tell you more when I put down your sisters and brother down for a nap ok?" I tell him and he nods his head and looks up at Josh.

"You have the same name as me. I'm Joshua Jr." JJ tells him smiling and Josh bends down to his level. "Is that so now little guy, do you want me to show you the game room whiles your mom puts down your siblings for a nap?" He asks him and JJ turns his head to me asking for permission. I nod my head and he spins back around and jumps around saying yes. They walk off together to another room as I turn back to my little girls. "Come on baby girls let's get you two to bed you must be tired." They nod their heads and yawn following me up the stairs.

Last night before Josh and I called it a night we had rooms set up for each of my kids and went out and got them a bunch of clothes and toys. I bring the girls to their room since they like sleeping in the same room as each other first and tuck them into bed and they both quickly fall asleep. After kissing both of them on their foreheads I take Chris to his room and put him in the crib and pick up the baby monitor.

I eventually find the boys and see them playing on the PS4 together. I stand in the doorway smiling watching them play together when Josh ends up losing he looks up and sees me and smiles. "JJ your mom's back little man." He tells him and JJ turns around and smiles at me and jumps up and runs over and hugs me. "Are we living her mom it's fun here, and I like playing with Josh he's better than dad at games." He tells me and I notice the smile on Josh's faces drops alittle hearing JJ call Dalton dad.

I walk over to the couch and sit beside Josh with JJ on my lap. "Baby I have something to tell you but you can't yell ok?" I tell him and he nods his head looking at me confused. "Dalton isn't your dad baby Josh is. Thats why you look like him so much." JJ looks between me and Josh and reaches up and hugs me tightly and then hugs Josh. He is surprised at first but hugs him back instantly. "Your not mad?" I ask my son and he shakes his head no. "Whenever you aren't around Dalton is mean to me and is nice to Elizabeth, Hope and Chris." I tense up right away hearing that Dalton mistreated my son. "How was he mean to you baby? Did he ever hurt you?" I ask him and he nods his head yes and cuddles into my arm. "He would say that I was a mistake, or would call me a bastard and would hit me sometimes." He tells me crying and I hold him close to me and look up Josh to see that he is pissed off and looks he is about to rip off someone's head. I feel the same way. I'm beyond pissed nobody hurts my kids and gets away with it. I stand up and place JJ on Josh's lap. "Stay here with your dad for little baby, I need to talk to Dalton." I tell him threw gritted teeth and he nods his head and leans into Josh's chest and hugs him.

I leave the room and stalk downstairs slamming the door shut behind me. I walk to Dalton's cell and he stands up when he sees me. "What the fuck is the meaning of this Jenn!" He yells at me but I don't respond and tell Michael he can go back upstairs and pick up a pair of wire cutters and turn back to face Dalton.

"You hit my son!" I yelled at him opening the cell door and closing it behind me. Dalton glares at me and spits on the floor. "Whatever that little shit told you was a lie." He tells me and gulps when I grab a hold of his cuffed hand and put the wire cutter around his one finger and press down on it cutting off his finger making him scream out in pain.

"What the fuck did I do to deserve this Jenn!" He yells out and I roll my eyes. "Huh let's see, you cheated on me, talked to the FBI to get me locked up and abused my son! You are a dead man!" His eyes go wide and begins to shake. "How did you find that out? Think of our kids, they need their dad!" He yells at me shaking and I just shake my head. " They are better off without you in the long run. You tried to take me from my children by talking to the FBI. There is nothing you can say that will save your ass and stop me from sending your head to them." I tell him and his eyes go wide as I pull out my gun.

"Think about this Jenn, they will come after you with everything they have, they won't let you live in peace and you know that." I give him a small smile. "I don't care, tell the devil I say hey." And with that I put a bullet into the middle of his head before letting myself out of the cell and grabbing the axe off the table. I cut his head from his body and put it in a box and write the address on it for the FBI office without a return address. Before taping the box shut I grab a piece of paper and quickly write down. "Stop looking for me you won't find me." I bring the box with me upstairs and see Josh sitting on a chair right at the door with his fist clenched. He sees me and stands up. "What happened?" He asks me I show him the box that is dripping some blood. "He's dead. Now to get one of the guys to bring this to the FBI.

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