Chapter 16

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Josh's POV

Its been a week since Jenn has been back in town and so far there hasn't been any major attacks on my men. So I'm guessing she hasn't been able to get a hold of any information on who truly is running this gang. I just hope that when she finds out why I took her brother she doesn't hate me for it. I know that she sent people out looking for me I just didn't want to be found at that point so I payed off one of David's men to say that he killed me. It was was easy getting to her brother especially with my step sisters help. I miss her and hope that I can get her back despite hearing from her godfather, my uncle that she is happily with someone right now and has four kids.

I look up from my cumputer when my office door slams open and look up to see my step sister bleeding from a gun shot wound in her arm. I jump up and run to her. "what happened?" I asked her pulling out my gun from the waistband of my jeans. "She's here and has more people then we thought, we need to leave." She tells me and I just shake my head at her.

"No we don't we got her brother, she won't do anything to risk his life." I tell her as I walk out of my office and go down to where I'm keeping Devin and grab him. I follow the gun shots and fire a few shots at Jenn's men that see me. When I notice her I pull Devin in front of me and put my gun to his head. "Tell your men to drop their guns Jenn this is between us." I yell out and once she sees me her eyes go wide and she tells her men to drop their weapons. She walks up to me with her siblings right behind her and her gun pointed at my head. She's bleeding from where a bullet grazed her leg but doesn't show signs of it hurting by limping.

"Let my brother go Josh. Like you said it's between us no else has to get hurt here today." She tries to tell me calmly but I just shake my head at her. "He's the only thing keeping you from shooting me. If you want it just us then tell your men and your siblings to leave then I will get rid of my men." She turns and nods at her men and they all leave and I dismiss my men telling them to take her brother to the safe house.

Once we are alone I step closer to her and look at her up and down. She hasn't changed at all besides a few new tattoos and some new peircings and he hair is dyed that she obviously did to stay hidden better. "It's good to see you again Jenn, you haven't changed much." I tell her and she told her eyes. "Stop playing nice Joshua, why did you take my brother?" She asks me and I sigh.

"You haven't seen me in a bit over seven years and that's the first thing you ask me." She stares at me and comes closer to me within an arm reach. "I have nothing else to say to you Josh, I had people look for you, so you could come back then David told me he had you killed. I believed him and you took my brother making me come back home, leaving my children. We got to much bad blood between us to talk nicely. Just tell me what you want so I can take my brother home with me." I'm shocked to hear that she has children her godfather never told me that. I step closer to her and she moves back. "Jenn I knew you were looking for me and I didn't want to be found. I payed off David's men and told him to say that he killed me. Why were you looking for me? I will tell you what I want after we have talked." I tell her and she sighs loudly.

"Does it really matter, at the end of the day probably only one of us is going to be walking away from this. You know me Josh you know that I won't go down without a fight, especially now that I have my kids to go back too." She tells me, I can tell her guard is let down by how her hand that is holding her gun is resting at her side so I come closer to her without her moving back. "It matters, why were you looking for me? I know you won't go down without a fight Jenn but I don't want to hurt you. I've missed you, I took your brother to get close to you again." I tell her and she looks at me in the eyes and I notice that they are little bit wet. "Did you send your people out to look for me to kill me?" I ask her and she just shakes her head at me.

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