Chapter 10: Waiting for the War

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We leave the building shortly after. I call Devin to grab Nate and tell him to meet us at the park 4 blocks away from where they are, also tell him not tell anyone where they were going. He promises he won't and says they will be there in 10 minutes.

When we arrive at the park I notice Devin and Nate are already there and I make my way towards them. Before we reach them I tell Samantha to go ahead of us and I turn to Jake. "Does Nate already know all of this?" He nods his head yes at me. "He knows that Corey is our father and that Natasha killed our mother, but that's it." I nod my head once and head to the others with them behind me.

"Why did you want us to meet you here Jenn and where did you guys disappear to for hours?" Devin asks me as I sit down a picnic table and I motion for him to do the same. He sits down across from me with Samantha on his left and Nate on his right, and Jake is beside me, Jared and Katrina are on the table connecting to ours. "Devin we were with Corey Talls talking to him. Everything that the man we've been calling father lied to our faces about what really happened. David and Natasha aren't our parents. Corey and his wife Elizabeth are and Natasha killed Elizabeth she didn't kill herself. Natasha killed our real mother because she was tutoring me and she found out about it and killed her in cold blood because of it. They kidnapped us when we were young and brought us here. When Corey came here it was to get us back, he wanted his children back. Paul and Victoria are Natasha's and David's only children. David got our grandparents killed hoping it would make Corey go back home. When he didn't he kidnapped and killed his oldest children our siblings and brought them to Corey dead. Victor came here with David when he ran from Italy with us with his family in tow. Corey is David's older brother. David and Natasha kidnapped their twin siblings and brought them here with us with no way of communicating with Corey."

Devin looks at me shocked with his mouth hanging open dropping the smoke he was about to light. "Are you serious right now?" When I nod my head he stands up and kicks over a trash can and tips over a picnic table. He walks back over to us and picks up and smoke and lights it passing one to me which I expect. "Where do they come into this?" He asks nodding towards Katrina and Jared.

"Katrina is our sister and Corey apodted Jared when he was five years old and raised him." I tell him and Devin clearly shakes with built up rage. "What are we going to do. They want to go to war with Corey? Are we going with them or standing against them?" He asks siting back down. "We're going to pretend like we know nothing at all. We are going to feed information to Corey about how many men David and Victor have and what they plan. When it comes down to the war, we are going to stand on their side and turn our guns on them. I will get my men into the loop and as you know I have the bigger gang. David is expecting their help. Ya sure we will call in more men but so will Corey and I will reach out to my connections. We are going to take them out for once and for all."

He looks down at the table for a few minutes and Jake rubs my back softly calming me down a bit and sparks a joint with his other hand. After a taking a few hits he passes it to me. As I pass on the joint onto Samantha Devin looks up at me. "Jenn if Victor came here when David did..Mason could of known all long the truth you know that right?" I slowly nod my head yes with my eyes going moist.

"Ya I know he could know the truth all this time and never told me. And if that is the case, I will put a bullet in his head myself." He gets up and walks over to me and picks me up and wraps me up in a tight hug. "I could do it Jenn, you wouldn't need to. You've been in love with him since we were young." He tells me and I just shake my head. "If he's been with them all this time, it will be me that kills him and no one else. It would mean he never once cared about me the slightest he was just using me for them. I won't hesitate to kill him." Devin just nods his head and rubs my back soothingly. "Don't get closer to him Jenn, it will make it harder on you." I just nod my head at him and step out of the hug.

"Come one we should head back everyone will be wondering where we all are." I tell everyone and we all walk off to the cars and climb in driving back to Lock 7.


Once we arrive I tell Devin not to act any differently towards anyone and tell him I will start to talk to my people. He just nods his head at me and walks away with the others when Mason walks up to me pissed off. Samantha sends me a sad look before she walks into the building where I set up a room for her earlier. "Where the fuck have you been, I've been worried about you and tried calling but you have your phone off. We are about to go to war and if you hadn't realized it's hunting season on Dumont's and they are targeting you first." He snarls at me and step closer to me. I give him a slight shove and glare at him. "Calm the fuck down I was fine. I went for a walk then I texted the others to come meet me and turned off my phone because I didn't want to be bothered. And if you can't already tell I can handle my fucking self." He sighs and grabs my waist and wraps his arms around me tightly pulling me to his chest.

"I was just worried about you Jenn, especially with all this shit going on with your enemies on top of it. It's a dangerous time for you. I'm sorry for yelling at you." I sigh and hug him back slowly. "I will be fine Mason, but I promise I will be more careful for you. I love you Mase." I reach up on my tip toes and give him a peck on the lips. "Come on let's go to bed, it's late and I'm tired."

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