Chapter 9: Meeting the Enemy Corey Talls

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After the talk with my family I decide to take a walk around town by myself to clear my head and think about things.

So I found out that my parents are alive and that I have other siblings which I can't be happier about. Things didn't go good with Paul not that I can blame him I did get a lot of his men killed. I have to worry about him as well now, no matter what our problems are with one another he is family and I can't sit around and do nothing with a threat hanging over all of our heads.

I go over all the things I know about this Corey Talls guy. My dad said he was a mafia leader that came here so he wouldn't go down for a bunch of crimes in Italy. My father and Victor challenged him, so he got more of his men to come here and there was a huge fight that ended up in his kids deaths and a week later his wife sucide. He declared war on all of his and just waited for the perfect time to come after us. He chose to come after my gang first probably thinking I was the easiest to come after. I'm going to show him how wrong he was. No one messes with my family and gang and walks away alive.

I was to lost in my own thoughts that I didn't notice when five men approached me from every direction corning me in. A guys steps in between the two in front of me and laughs. By the looks of it he around the same age as my father maybe a little younger than him. "Well well well. Look wha we got here boys. It's one of the Dumont children." I instantly regret not arming myself with a gun before I left. I only have a knife on me that is tucked into the back of my pant pockets.

I try and reach into my pocket to get the knife out but the one guy from behind me grabs my arm hard and yanks it up painfully. They pull me into the ally we were near and push me up against the wall and surround me with the one that talked standing directly in front of me. I don't let my fear of them show. These are clearly the people my dad was talking about and the one that talked I'm guessing is Corey himself.

"I'm guessing your Corey. Will tuff going after an 18 year old girl who is by herself. Just like it was tuff of you to beat a 16 year old to death after she was raped by who knows how many guys." I shouldn't be taunting him, and I know that but I can't help it. After ii got told who this guy is, I didn't feel bad about what happened to him, he got his karma from what he did to others in Italy. This guy is a monster and I probably won't leave this ally alive.

"Good your father told you who I am. Your father and Victor are the ones that started this war little girl. Some of my children were killed by his hand and my wife soon afterwards though it wasn't him that killed her. That was your mother." He takes a threatening step towards me and brings his face close to mine so I spit right in his face. "It's your fault your kids died. Your the one that brought them to the fight. My father doesn't go around killing young people. They were in the wrong place because of you and shit happens in a gun fight that shouldn't. It's your fault they were there. Don't lie to me, I know your wife commited sucide a week after your kids died." I spit out at him and I'm rewarded with a slap to the face.

"Don't talk about something you know nothing about little girl. You no nothing about what went on except for what your father told you. He started the war first. I don't like killing children or hurting them. What happened to your friends sister wasn't suppose to happen I didn't tell them to do it and when I found out about what happened the guys who did it were all killed upon returning. It's your father that went after my children they weren't suppose to be there but your father kidnapped my oldest children and showed up to where we where I was with my men with my children already dead. My fight isn't with your gang and your siblings. It's with your father's gang that was there and Victor's as well as your mother. My wife didn't commit sucide, your mother put a bullet in her head, when she found out that she was your tutor. My wife was innocent in all of this and didn't know who you were or knew exactly what I do to make all of our money. Your parents are cold hearted murders."

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