Chapter 8: The Dumont family and the War

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"Mom! Dad!" We all turn around to see Devin and Paul standing in the doorway. And Devin is shocked at seeing both parents and Paul is shocked at seeing mom. Guess dad didn't tell him about mom being alive still as well.

Mom goes up to my brothers and hugs them "my boys its good to see you again, you both look well." My mom smiles at both of them. "How is it even possible that you two are still alive?" Devin asks her and backs out of the hug. Paul turns from my mother to glare at our father. "You lied to me father. You told me mom was died. I did what you asked and gave Jenn to Archer. Yet you still lied."  Our father makes our way to them and pats Devin and Paul both on their shoulders but faces Paul. "I did what was necessary to protect my family Paul. Jenn do you have somewhere, we can all talk as a family." I nod my head at him as he turns towards me. "Ya we can go to the meeting room my office doesn't have enough chairs for us all."

We all leave the first aid room and make our way towards the meeting room. Devin is walking beside me and Paul keeps on sending glares my way. So I turn around and snap at him. "What the fuck is your problem Paul?!" I glare at him and he walks up to me and throws me against the wall. "Why didn't you ever tell me about this place little sister? The guys here killed some of my men and you knew I wanted revenge." I try to push him off of me but he presses his forearm on to my neck hard. "This place has been mine for the last year Paul. I'm the one that got your men killed. Your plan that night was stupid and was going to get a lot of innocent people killed. I wasn't going to have it so I had my men stop you." Paul presses his arm harder on to my neck and leans forward. "Give me one reason I shouldn't go to war with you little sister. I don't give a fuck if we are at war with someone else. I will destroy you and make sure you are the last one to be..." Before he can finish our father rips Paul away from me and punches him in the jaw. "You will not hurt your sister Paul! Now if you want to hear about what happened calm the fuck down and come with us. Or leave and try to start a fight with your sisters gang that you will for sure lose." My dad sneers at my oldest brother whiles I rub at my neck. "Dad he doesn't get at choice. Paul take your men and leave now! If you aren't off my property in the next couple of minutes I will get all my men to open fire on yours. But don't worry I don't kill family. Devin you are more than free to stay and join Mason and me if you want twin." Devin quickly nods his head and comes to stand beside me. "I'm always with you twin, no matter what." Out of the corner of my eye I see Trish move to stand on my other side. "What's with this twin stuff. You guys aren't twin. We are triplets!" She chuckles making me laugh with her. "You heard your sister Paul leave. Now. If you want to be a part of this, you will need to ask your sister for forgiveness."

Paul stomps off and just as he reaches the doors he turns back around. "You will regret siding against me. Mark my words." At that he storms out of the building and we continue on to the meeting room, I see Jacob ahead of us and I wave him over to me. He comes over instantly. "Jacob make sure my brother Paul leaves with his men, those who want to stay are welcome to because of Devin make sure they know that. Bring some guys with you to make sure no trouble starts please. Dalton is in the first aid room still, after my brother leaves make sure he is OK for me as well." He nods his head at me and runs off.

At the meeting room everyone sits down around the table whiles my dad stays standing. "Let me start off by saying Devin I'm sorry that your mother and me had let you believe we were dead. As I already explained to Jenn, we did it for your own safety. My brother and your mothers sister they were going to go to the police about what we were doing and bring down you kids with us. On top of that I had made someone very angry as well did Masons father. This guy wanted us dead and would of came after you kids to get to us. So your mother and me faked our deaths by having our twin siblings killed by your brothers Nathan and Jake here. You and Jenn could never tell us apart from our twin siblings so it was the perfect plan. The guy we were hiding from didn't know about our other children so they were safe. The guy believed we were dead like you guys did until tonight when I met up with Jenn. He must of still been watching you guys. So he attacked the one guys family that is in Jenn gang here and to my understanding was her right hand man." Everyone turned to me for confirmation so I just nodded my head yes at them all.

"Dalton is my right hand man, and is the best fighter in my gang beside myself. His parents were tortured and killed, where his 16 year old sister was raped then beaten to death. I already told him that we will get revenge for them and that he can have a say in how things get done once we capture those who did this to his family. So dad who exactly is this person? How could he even touch the two gangs, you and Victor had the biggest and strongest gangs around and everyone knew not to mess with you two. Why was this guy not scared of you guys like everyone else was?" I ask my father and everyone turns to face him.

He takes a few deep breaths before continuing on with his story. "His name is Cory Talls he is originally from Cecily, Italy. Cory isn't a gang leader, he's the leader of the mafia, they don't have a huge thing here but its still dangerous and you don't want to mess with them. Victor and myself decided to go up against him together, at first it was just little things we did but once it got  more serious Cory called in more men from Italy that we didn't know about. Once they got here there was a huge gun fight and during it his sons and daughter got killed since they were a part of the fight. His children were all 18 and a week after the fight his wife killed herself because of lost of their children. After that he called war on us all. At the same time my brother and your moms sister said they were going to go to the police to turn us all in, so that's how we got here children." Once my dad finishes everyone is silent not knowing what to think.

I'm the first one to speak up after five minutes. "So if he has no wife or children alive what's a weakness we can us against him?" I ask my father and he just nods his head. "He still has daughter left she's 15  years old. She's a child that knows nothing of her fathers work." He tells me and I just shrug. "I'm sending my men to go get her then. Let the war begin family."

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