Chapter 4

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I wake up and get dressed. I then go down stairs for breakfast. Today is my chore day. That means I have to help my father with the barn and the animals. Something today I don't want to do. We eat quietly and not a word is said. I think my father is still upset and frustrated about what happened last night. I try to ignore it. Finally the silence is broken by my father.

"Mariah, I don't need your help with the barn and animals today."

"Why not father?"

"Jacob is coming over instead. He's stronger than you and can get more done."

"Alright father."

"Mariah dear, today your going to help with me and Katie-Ann." Mother says.

"Alright." I'm disappointed and angry at the same time because I love working with the animals even though they smell and I despise that Jacob is coming over.

"Mariah it's time you do some proper young lady things and not work in the barn with animals." Mother says.

"I love the animals."

"Yes but you need to learn to become a wife and not the husband of a family." Fathers says looking straight at me.

"Yes." I leave the table along with my sister and mother.

A little while a knock is at the door. It's Jacob. My mother asks me to open the door. I refuse.

"Mariah open that door right this instant!"

"I won't! I hate him and I will never marry him!"

"Mariah! You have no say if he asks you! You understand young lady! Now open that door!"

I turn the knob and fling the door wide open. It's slams against the wall. Jacob walks in with his green wide open as if scared of what just happened. I don't see how all the young ladies my age love him. I can't even look at him. My mother comes in and tells him where to find the barn. She then turns to me.

"Why in gods name did you have to do that! You know your father wants you to marry him and that's what's going to happen whether you like it or not!"

"This is a free country I have a right to say what I want!"

"Not in this you don't!" She pulls my ear. "You are to go right in your room and never come out until you are told."

She shoves me in my room and shuts and locks the door. How does anyone have a say in who I marry? I should be able to choose. I start to cry. I don't want to marry Jacob I will kill myself before I do.

I sit there waiting and waiting. Then I hear the door unlock and it's Mabel with my lunch.

"Here young lady." She puts the tray on my night stand. "Why are you crying again?"

"I don't want to marry that worthless human being down there outside." I sniffle back the tears.

"Now listen I know you love Travis and as I said before there will be obstacles along the way. You just have to over come them and this obstacle may be difficult but listen it is possible to over come. Now wipe you face and eat your lunch. There's also another note there too. It's under the plate."

"Thanks Mabel your always there for me."

I wipe my face and read the note. It says:

Meet me at the stream tonight again. I have a surprise. Trust me you will love it.




Hey everyone I hoped you enjoyed my story so far! Also it gets better if you continue reading. Remember to comment and vote. Chapter 5 will be published on June 18.

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