Chapter 10

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We all stand there frozen in shock. Either me and Travis are scared to speak or my father and Jacob's father are too shocked to say anything. Anyway we don't say anything, we just stand there. Finally Jacob's father says something.

"What's going on here? Jack you said your daughter was eligible to be with my son."

"She is." He's mad as can be and tries to pull me away but I refuse.

"No father!"

"Don't you make another word! Now you get away from him before I shoot."

"Travis run." I say calmly and go towards my father.

Travis runs and before my father can grab me I run in the direction of the house. Outside waiting is Katie-Ann, my mother, Jacob and his mother. I run right past them and go into my room. I lock the door. They all come in and I can hear them talk.

"What happened now?" Mother asks.

"Where was she?"Jacob asks next.

"Well she was in the woods." Jacob's father says.

"Harriet." I peek through the crack in the door. "Harriet." He says again and pulls her aside. "She was seeing that Travis boy again." He whispers.

"Not again."

"Now what should we do?" Father asks.

"Does she love him?"

"Why do you ask that?"

"I just want to know that's all."

"She said she did."

"Well why don't you let her marry him."

"Because he is not going to be able to support her."

"Well I married you because I loved you and my father wanted me to marry someone else. Why can't you do the same for her?"

"Because I know better for her. She needs to marry Jacob."

"No that's not what she needs that's what you want." My mother walks away.

I hear footsteps. I back away from the door and push my dresser as hard as I can to cover it. I hear my sister and push the dresser back. She comes in.

"I knew you would get caught one of these times." Of course the first thing that comes out of her mouth.

"Of course you did."

"Mariah don't be bitter about this."

"How can I not!"

"Easy..." She whispers. "Keep seeing him. Eventually father will notice you really love him."

"How do you know so much about this?"

"I don't. I just guess."

"Well it's a pretty good guess. Alright I'll do that thank you Katie-Ann." I give her a hug. "We should just wait here I'll probably get called into father library."

"Yeah." She says and smiles her innocent smile that I adore.


Hey guys I hope you are enjoying the story so far. sorry if there are any mistakes. chapter 11 will be published on August 4.

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