Chapter 7

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I wake up before everyone else. I sit there and think about what Katie-Ann said. If Travis asked for my hand I would have to marry him and that's what I want. I don't want to leave him and I especially don't want to marry Jacob. I just have to find out if Travis has the same feelings for me.

Once everyone is awake I get dressed and go downstairs. I eat breakfast and ask to be excused. I rush upstairs and write a letter. It reads:

Dear Travis,

Meet me at the stream tonight. It's really important.



There, tonight I meet him at the stream. I ask to go to the markets in the town but instead I'm going to Travis's house. That isn't too far from town and I'm just dropping a letter off. If I have time I will stop at one of the markets and get something.

"Alright but be back before lunch." Father says.

"Here take some money with you." Mother says.

"Alright, bye." I walk out the door but then I hear my sister.

"Wait! I wanna come!"


"So where are we going first?"

"I'll show you when we get there."

We walk farther down almost near town and I tell her.

"First we're gonna go to Travis's house."


"Because I have to give him this letter." I pull out the letter that I wrote that was tucked deeply inside my little change bag.


"Wait, you can't tell mother or father about this."

"I know and as I said before I won't."

"You the greatest little sister anyone could ask for."

She smiles and we keep walking. We reach Travis's house. I knock on the door while

Katie-Ann stays back one the little patch of dirt road. Travis's mother answers the door.

"Hello Mrs. Patter." I say.

"Why hello Miss Johnson."

"You can call me Mariah ma'am."

"Alright Mariah. Why are you here?"

"I want you to give this to Travis but don't open it please."

"I won't and I'll give it to Travis. Is that all you wanted?"

"Yes that's all."

"Alright bye now."

"Bye and thank you."

She closes the door and we keep walking to town. We stop in a bunch of stores. Then I see Jacob as we are coming out of one. I grab Katie-Ann and we hide behind a bush. I know he saw us but hopefully he lost track of us.


Sorry for the mistakes. Chapter 8 will be published on July 13.

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