Chapter 15

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I go to the willow tree and wait. Travis comes.

"Hello Mariah."

"Hello." I say trying to hold back the mix of emotions inside.

"I heard about your parents. Are you alright?"

"I can manage." Even though inside I can't.

"I was gonna ask tonight but I'll wait."

"Wait for what?"

"Well now since your gonna be the one taking the farm your responsible to make your own decisions."

"Where are you going with this?"

"If Jacob asks you can say no."

"Your right."

"So have you decided on when the funeral will be?"

"Don't change the subject."

"Fine it's just I'm not ready yet."

"Alright I understand." Inside I'm confused.

"So when is the funeral gonna be?"

"Tomorrow late afternoon." I hate talking about so soon but I might as well get done with it.

"You know you can tell me anything." He takes my hands into his warm ones which make my heart skip a beat.

"I know." I say as I feel my face getting redder.

"I know how it is to lose someone. I lost my father."

"I remember. Do you ever get over the fact that you won't ever seen them again."

"You don't know that. There's always heaven."

"Yes but what if that's not true?"

"What do you mean? You know all you need is faith right?"

"Yes. Well I better go. I have to plan everything out."

"Alright." Travis kisses me and again my heart skips a beat because of his warm soft lips.

I leave and go back to the house. I peek in on Katie-Ann. She's sound asleep. I go sleep on the couch.

I wake up the next day and get dressed. I make Katie-Ann go downstairs to get ready to eat. While we eat there's a knock on the door. It must be Travis.

I answer it. It's not Travis but Jacob. He comes in.

"I heard through town about your parents."

"Yes why did you come over here?" My voice as stern as my father's was when he would tell me what to do.

"To pay my condolences."

"Really? You expect me to believe that?"

"Listen your a beautiful girl. I would just love for you to be my wife."

"I will never be your wife. You only like me because the money I have that's it."

"Your smart too. All good qualities."

"Get out! Now!" I yell.

"Fine but I will be back."

He leaves and I slam the door. how dare he come over here. I wish father was still here to see that. All Jacob wants is money that's it. I go back to Katie-Ann at the table. Then I hear another knock at the door. I go answer it.

"Hello Mariah." It's Travis. "What did Jacob want?"

"Hello come in we were just having breakfast." I let him in. "Jacob was just being rude that's all." I say still angry at what happened.

He sits down and I tell Katie-Ann to clean up if she's done. She tries a little but can't do the rest she been getting weaker by the second. I tell her to rest and she goes to her room. I then turn to Travis and ask if he can go into town and ask the casket maker if he can make two coffins. He says yes and leaves. I go and straighten the house. It's been so quiet and lonely. It's odd being the adult around here. Making rules, giving orders.

By now the house is cleaned and the coffin maker comes over with the coffins. The best money can buy he says. He takes them out to the back where a stand has been made to support the coffins. Later they take the bodies out and put them in the coffins. I have the Negros clean the room. I go get dressed. I put on my black dress and a lace short veil on my head that goes over my face.

It's depressing when I look at the mirror and see what I'm wearing. I almost cry but distract myself by helping my sister get ready. She starts to cry and I start to sniffle but tell her to quit because we have to go out. By now all the Negros let the guests come into the back. We go there silently. Everyone looks at us as we do. We take our spots in the large yet small crowd.


Sorry I couldn't update and I think the chapters are all messed up again I'm not sure but anyway remember to vote and comment. Chapter 16 will be published October 23.

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