1: Virgil

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  A necklace that is a half of a unique shape and given to you at birth. Whoever has the other half is said to be your soulmate. It gets warmer the closer you get to your soulmate, and colder the farther you get. Everyone plays a game of hot and cold when finding their soulmate. Or at least that's what Virgil had heard.

  Virgil didn't have a soulmate, or at least that was what he had gathered. He had no necklace given to him at birth and he seemed to be the only one that he knew of. He couldn't help but feel envious of others due to that fact. He wished he had a necklace, just like everyone else did. He wanted a soulmate, someone who would love him no matter what, but he had come to accept the fact that that wasn't going to happen. How could it? Everyone would rather be with their soulmate.

  Virgil never made many friends. He kept everyone at least arms length away, afraid of the fact that they might find out he didn't have a soulmate. He feared they would treat him differently because of that. It was the last thing Virgil wanted. That and friends that were only his friends out of pity.

  "Hey, what are you up to kiddo?" Virgil heard a voice say as an arm was placed around his shoulders. Virgil instantly froze. He didn't know anyone who sounded like that. He didn't know this person that had their arm around him. So why were they here? What did they want from him?

  "Get off of me." Virgil said, quickly moving away. He ducked out from under the others arm before whirling around to look at him. A glare was on his face before he even laid eyes on the other. "Don't touch me."

  That was when Virgil fully looked at the other. A light blue polo shirt with a grey cardigan that hung on his shoulders, kind of like a cape. Light brown eyes shined behind a pair of hipster glasses. He had a smile on his face, even with Virgil's reaction to him. Although his smile wasn't one that showed amusement, no, it was apologetic. That wasn't something Virgil was used to at all.

  "Sorry kiddo." The man in front of Virgil said. He rubbed the back of his neck, and Virgil could tell that the apology was genuine. Which was odd, no one ever did anything genuinely around him. Or at least he didn't think so. But then why was it so easy to tell that this person's actions were true?

  "Stop calling me that." Virgil practically hissed. He had no time for this, he had to be somewhere else. That somewhere else was anywhere he could find to be by himself. Somewhere that no people were around to make him feel extra anxious.

  Virgil rolled his eyes, not giving the other a chance to respond before pushing past him. He just wanted to be anywhere but there. He needed to get out of this hallway, for it would surely be crowded soon. Classes were about to change after all.

  "Patton-" a new voice made itself present- "who's your new friend?" So that was the name of the person who had called him kiddo.

  Virgil stopped in his tracts upon seeing two new people making their way over. The first one was dressed in white, a red sash over their top. They even had little shoulder emblem things, Virgil didn't know what they were called, nor did he care. They were stupid in his opinion anyway.

  The other seemed a bit ashamed with the two as he walked over. He walked as if saying he didn't know the other two, which he obviously did. He had a black polo shirt on, with a tie. He wore hipster glasses as well. And even though he seemed to come off as if he was ashamed of the other two, he still had this air to him that he was the smartest one here. 

  "I'm not his friend." Virgil glared at the new comer with the sash. He didn't want to be associated with any of them, or anyone for that matter. Not when they could find out he had no soulmate. They would begin to pity him, Virgil just knew it and he didn't want that. He hated being the one people pitied.

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