Chapter 11

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Liam laid another hard punch against Rileys jaw. The man was already bleeding from several places in his face. And Lani was sure there was some internal bleeding. Liam and Cartet had brought Riley to the basement of their home. They had tied him up against the wall and started questioning him. Each time he answered, he got hit. His jeans hung loose on his hips and his white t shirt was covered in bright blood. His arms bulged as he hung on, trying to see through the blood dripping from his eyebrow. He spit blood to his side and shook his shaved head. Something felt wrong to Lani. This man wasn't even protecting himself. And each time he answered she knew it was with the truth. The moon goddess would have it no other way.

"Liam." she grabbed her mates bloody hand and held it between hers. "I know this is not something you want to hear, but this man is being truthful. He does not know where the men we are looking for are at. Nor does he know what they plan."

"He still deserves to bleed for what he let happen to you and your family." Liam growled.

"My family suffered greatly, but this does not feel right Liam. I feel...wrong." she said simply. She turned to look at the man. Riley.

"Tell me everything." she demanded. Riley sighed, tried to stand straighted but his shoulders slumped forward as he began talking.

"When I met Paul I was looking for a way to feed my family. I had lost everything a few months back. We had nothing, moving from place to place in order to survive. Jenny and Bonnie, my wife and daughter, could only take it so much longer. So when Paul approached me, offering me a home and work, I did not hesitate to say yes. I did not know what I was getting myself into. When I realized was too late. Your family was being taken and murdered. I tried to stop everyone. I refused to help them-and I paid a very dear price for it. They killed my wife and daughter. I tried to save them, but I couldn't do anything." Riley's hands were fisted tightly as he shook his head and spoke in a hoarse voice.

"I tried to save you and your brothers, but I was nearly killed myself. Paul himself beat me til I was nearly dead then dumped me near the river close to his camp. I came here looking for you. To help you. But I didn't know how to approach you." Riley whispered the last part. Lani felt so many emotions inside her. She didn't know which one she should be feeling. Liam grabbed her hand to soothe her and she smiled at him warmly.

"Let me see." she whispered.

"See?" Riley asked curiously.

"Let me see into your mind. Everything that has happened." Lani reached out to touch his mind with hers. He hesitated at first but opened up  to her. Lani made sure to keep Liam in her mind with her. She saw images of him happy with his family. Him losing his job and money. Moving from one place to another. Finding Paul. His ways. His money. She saw her family. Lani quietly  sobbed as she saw her family slaughtered through someone else's eyes but hers. Liam wrapped his arms around her, soothing her. Riley's thoughts went dark. His wife and daughter. They were beaten and hung by a tree. Lani screamed out as she felt there pain. This was so wrong. Riley did not agree with Paul. Paul retaliated by taken Riley's world.

Lani pulled away from Riley's mind. She gasped for air as she grabbed her belly protectively. Liam wiped the tears from her cheeks as she looked up at him.

"Shh. It's okay love." Lani nodded as she slowly breathed in and out. She turned to Riley and spoke.

"I can give you back what you've lost." Lani told him. Riley looked up at her with wanting in his eyes.

"Don't toy with me." he whispered.

"You have two options. One, I can bring them to you along with money enough to last you a life time. Two, you can go where they are but there is no guarantee you will be able to actually live."

"I don't need games in my life." Riley growled. Lani shook her head.

"I swear by the moon goddess, I am not lying to you. You've been through enough. You and your family were wronged. As a moon child it is my duty to help the people around me that have been wronged. Please, let me help you." Lani said softly. Riley shoulf his head and let out a soft growl.

"All I've ever wanted in life is my mate and my daughter. I would do anythig to have them here with me once again." he said truthfully and Lani nodded. She thanked the moon goddess for her help. And she asked for patience and strength to give this man what he needed and wanted so badly.

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