Chapter Eight

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A/N Should I go back to naming the chapters or leave them like this? And I don't think Bellatrix broke out this early in the school year but, whatever. The character of Eloraina Valhalla was made by my AMAZING co-writer @TheMaskedDamsel. Round of applause to her. And I think I'm gonna have a contest for a new character and the stuff for it will be at the bottom.

Chapter Eight

I was on my way to Potions with Chloe and Casee, when Pansy walked up to me with two other girls.

"Why hello, Pugginson," I said, "Sleep well?"

"I wouldn't know!" she screamed.

"Now now, there's no need to yell," Chloe said, deciding to join in the fun.

"I HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO YELL!" Pansy screamed.

"Well someone's cranky today," Casee said.

And with that Pansy and her friends walked away. Chloe, Casee and I continued on our way to the Potions classroom which was sadly in the freezing cold dungeons.

"Who is our potions teacher?" I asked. I still didn't know who all of the teachers were.

"Professor Snape. He's also the head of our house," answered Chloe.

"And the lady I was talking to earlier was...?" I asked.

"Professor Umbridge," Casee said as if the name itself was poisonous, "she's the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher."

"Are there certain people who are considered the 'dark arts?'"

"Well, basically its He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named and his death eaters," said Chloe looking at Casee.

"What's with the little side-ways glance at Casse?" I asked Chloe.

"Um, well-" started Chloe.

"My mother is a death eater who was in Azkaban and just broke out," Casee said before she slapped her hand in front of her mouth.

"Oh." I can't help it I didn't know what to say. Was I supposed to say 'She works for my father than!' Somehow I don't think that would be a good response.

"Don't worry about it, it doesn't affect me," she said.

We continued walking in silence until we reached what I assumed was the Potions classroom.

"So what's Professor Snape like?" I asked.

"Why don't you find out for yourself," Chloe said.

Casee opened the door and walked in after her and Chloe. They sat at a desk together and I noticed it was only two to a table. I saw another girl sitting by herself and decided to sit by her.

"Is anyone sitting here?" I asked her, pointing to the empty chair.

"Not that I know of," she responded.

"Hi, I'm Chelsea," I said sticking out my hand to her after I sat down.

"Eloraina. Does this Chelsea have a last name?"

"Parker," I responded, "what about you?"


"Miss Parker, I would prefer if you did not talk during my class," a greasy haired man said.

"Sorry," I said.


"What?" I asked.

"You will address me as'sir' or 'professor,'" he said.

"Sorry sir," I said putting emphasise on 'sir'.

He turned around and walked away.

"Jerk," I mumbled to Eloraina.

"Detention. Friday 8:00," Snape said.

With that I shut up for the rest of Potions. Actually I was pretty silent for most of my classes.

Once dinner came around, I was starving.

"I'm so hungry," I complained once again to Casee, Chloe and Eloraina.

"We know!" the all said after hearing me complain about it non-stop ever since class got out.

We walked into the Great Hall and sat down at the Slytherin table.

"Hey Chelsea," Draco said coming towards me.

"Hi," I replied.

"How was your first day of classes?" he asked me.

"Good, I guess."

I ate dinner suddenly got really tired.

"I'm gonnna go to bed. Night guys," I said.

"Night," they all chorused.

I left the Great Hall and to the common room. The second I got into my dorm, I jumped onto my bed and fell into a dreamless sleep.

A/N Sorry that it's pretty short but I've been having writers block. The person on the side is Chloe Nelseon. Banner made by @LittleRue again.

Character contest rules: You must fill out the form about the character. That's pretty much it.







Is he/she friends with Chelsea:

A little bit of background:

So the final date for the contest is July 17th 2012. I'll be choosing the character that will probably fit into the story the best. Winner gets a fan and dedication. Yeah. I say that a lot don't I........ oh well.


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