Chapter Thirteen - The Astronomy Tower

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  • Dedicated to Everyone who is still reading this!

The school day was finally over, and I was stressing about the meeting with Harry. Did I really want to defy my father? I was perfectly aware of what could happen if I made him mad, and I certainly didn't want to experience it.

I walked back to the Slytherin Common Room, completely unaware of my surroundings. I ignored Pansy trying to get my attention because, honestly, I really didn't want to deal with her at the moment. My room was empty and dark, so at least I would have a little peace and quiet.

I closed the door after turning the light on, and went over to my bed. I threw my bag on the floor and jumped into bed. I thought this school was supposed to be fun, not stressful.


My clock on the table next to my bed started going off, telling me that I must have fallen asleep. I looked at the time and saw it was already eight thirty, so I had about fifteen minutes to get ready, before I had to start heading towards the Astronomy Tower.

I quickly changed my clothes and combed my hair. I slipped on a jacket and grabbed my wand, running out of my room.

Leaving the common room, I started to feel a little sick.

Probably just nerves.

Looking around the corridor, I started off towards the tower. It wasn't that far away from the 

Slytherin Common Room, I just had to climb a lot of stairs.

Finally I got to the top and slowly put my hand on the door knob. I pushed it open and looked around. Harry was no where to be found. I checked my watch again and saw the time. 9:14. I turned around to go back down the stairs when I heard slow clapping.

"I'm surprised. I didn't think you would actually do it. Surely you knew I would find out. Or are you just that dumb?"

That voice. The one that sent chills down your spine with every word. I stood completely still, as if it would make me disappear. But noo the world just doesn't work that way now does it?

I felt a hand on my shoulder and my body turned to ice. He turned me around and I came face-to-face with the coldest eyes known to man. If you could call him that.

"You came to see your little boyfriend didn't you?" Voldemort asked, "well there he is."

He pointed to a corner and I saw Harry lying there looking at Voldemort with utmost horror clearly written on his face. Time to start acting.

"He's not my boyfriend. I hate him. The only reason I came up here was so that I could torture him."

As soon as those last words left my mouth, I knew I shouldn't have said them.

"Alright then, let's see it," Voldemort said smirking.

I looked at Harry, posotive that my face was mirroring his. There was no possible way that I could torture someone! That was comoletly and utterly inhumane. I started to reach for my wand, when the sick feeling I had earlier came back to me. Looking up at the sky I instantly knew why I didn't feel good. It was a full moon.

A/N Sorry that it's so short! Also I'm sorry that I haven't uploaded in FOREVER. Thanks for reading!

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