Chapter Two - The Sorting

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A/N THIS IS IMPORTANT TO THE STORY SO READ THIS AUTHOR'S NOTE!! Just so u know she is in her fifth year not fourth. Sorry for the mix up. The photo on the side is Hodge. Now, on with the story!! :)

I was still furious at Malfoy for grabbing my arm. He grabbed it so tightly, that he left red marks on my wrist. I had just started to wonder when the red marks would go away, when the train stopped. I looked out the window and saw a magnificent castle.

"We're here!" someone yells out.

I quickly got up and right then the train decided to lurch forward. Everyone either hit their head, or fell down. Just then Malfoy entered my compartment.

"Parker we're here. Let's go."

"So I heard."I said.

"I really do think you'll be in Slytherin," he says.

"Is that supposed to be an insult becauseI don't know about the houses if you remember."

"NoI don't think Id insult someone who has the potential to be in the same house as me."

When I went to get Hodge, he wasn't there. I started to panic but Harry walked in and said

"Are you looking for your owl? If you are they already brought it up to the castle,and your supposed to leave your trunk on the train."

"It would have been helpful if Draco would have told me that..."

"You know, you're probably the only person I know who can call both me and Malfoy by our first names and not explode."

"I'll take that as a compliment." I said while walking off the train after leaving my trunk in the middle of the isle.

I kept on walking for about 10 minutes.I then realized that I wasn't dragging anything behind me,I panicked and ran back to the train.I got back too the train but remembered what Harry told me about them bringing everything up to the castle.

"God I'm an idiot." I said.

"Talking to yourself is the first sign of insanity." said a very cold voice.

"Who said that?"I said looking around.

"You cant see me," the voice laughed, " I'm in your head. But you will meet me in time. This year actually. Goodbye"

The voice left leaving me terrified. I ran back up to where everyone else was as fast as I could.

"What's wrong with you Parker?" Malfoy asked seeing me panting," You look like you've seen a boggart."


"Oh, I forgot. You don't know what a boggart is."

"Do I want to know?" I asked.

"Probably not."

We walked up to carriages that were being pulled by skeletal horse-like things.

"What are they?" I asked Draco.

"What are what?"

"Those things," I said pointing to the horse's.

"I don't see anything Chelsea."


We got into the carriages and made our way up to Hogwarts. As we walked, I couldn't help but marvel at how beautiful the castle was. I heard someone say,

"First years over here," so I decided to go towards the voice. I saw a woman with her hair pulled back into a tight bun instructing the first years. I saw them walk in through two big oak doors and I follow them. The woman took a worn hat and placed it on a wooden stool.

"This is the sorting hat," she says," this hat will tell you what house you will be in. The four houses are Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw"

All the first years and I looked around what I guessed was the Great Hall. I saw four banners, each hung over a different table. One was a snake, another a lion, a badger, and an eagle. I saw Draco sitting under the snake banner with Crabbe and Goyle. I also saw Harry and his friends sitting under the banner of the lion. I didn't pay any attention to the sorting until they got to the p's. I started just then, to get really nervous.

"Pajner, Wallus" the professor exclaimed.

Okay I'm coming up next,I thought.

"Qualfer, Marcus," she says.

Huh? Did they just skip me?


"Riddle, Chelsea..."

The whole room went silent then burst into whispers.

"I'm sorry. Parker, Chelsea," the professor corrected.

While I walked up there I was a nervous wreck. I let slip all thoughts in my head. Professor McGonogall, I learned her name from a first year, slowly put the hat on my head looking worried.

"Oh, a fifth year I see..." I jumped as the hat spoke. "You are very difficult to place, very difficult indeed. Your mother was a Gryffindor, but your father was a proud Slytherin. Where to put you. Is there any specific house you want?"

I guess Gryffindor would be ok, I thought.

"Oh, I don't know. You would do very well in Slytherin. I think I'll put you in..."

A/N I already have it figured out but what house do u think she'll be in?

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